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You were working out for several months know for the huge relay for life marathon that you signed up for to stand up for the battle of childhood cancer and terminal diseases...you conditioned yourself day and night...determined to win the race for the kids...you posted all your updates to Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter...and were amazed at how many people followed you on your quest and commented with love and positive reinforcement to help you on your quest.

Your heart literally stopped when none other than Criss Angel tagged you in a Tweet, and said he was rooting for you 110% all the way...then on your last day of conditioning...he posted nothing which put you in a minor slump...but quickly got out of it when you read all the other love you got from everyone...but most of all when you received pictures and love from different cancer kids from the institute you were representing...your best friends Kim and Rachel were taking you to the Marathon starting point...as you did your stretches and met the other athletes that you were going to be racing against...you shook hands with all of them and wished them the best of luck...most of them were a little arrogant...but some of them actually wished you luck as well.

You had your phone strapped on your arm...with headphones in so if anyone called you...you could still talk and run...the race began and you started off slow...but you had your pace all set up...once the race got half way thru you picked up your pace now that you were nice and stretched out...and in shape...you moved right along and passed up several of the athletes. When you least expected it your phone went off...you said hey...and almost stopped dead in your tracks when you heard Criss Angel on the other end...you asked him how he got your number...and what would make him want to call you directly...he gave a chuckle and simply  said he'd see you at the finishing line, then he hung up on you.

After hearing him say that your paced magically quickened at a rate you didn't even know you had...you finally saw the finishing line...with no one in front of you anymore and knew you had it under your thumb...just as you thought you were going to cross it first...you got another call telling you that the person behind you had cancer...you slowed down and dropped to your knee...and pretended to tie your shoe...and let the lady pass you...then you got up and raced after her but stayed directly behind her making sure you didn't pass her...or let anyone else pass her either...Criss watched you as you were racing and wondered why you didn't go passed her...knowing that you could do so very easily...the ribbon you wanted to cross first...was right there and tempted you every second...but you let your mind stop you as the lady crossed first.

You gave her a hug and congratulated her on her victory...then you left and grabbed a water out of the cooler...Criss congratulated the woman first then approached you and asked you why you didn't take the prize that you really won...you shook his hand happily in finally getting to meet him in person...and said that she had cancer and she deserved the win more than you did...so you gave her that victory...that one chance in a lifetime...which may very well be her last...beens you heard thru the grapevine that her cancer was no longer in remission...and even though it was a personal failure to you...it made her life special in that moment of crossing the line first.

Criss smiled down at you and said that made you the real winner as a few tears fell from his face...at how beautiful you were on the inside as well as the outside...he kissed you gently on the lips and told you that he was extremely proud of you for thinking of others before yourself after following you for so long on Twitter...and knowing how badly you wanted it...he wrapped his arm around you and asked if you would take him as a consolation prize...you smiled at him and said it felt like first place to you...as you and he walked to the nearest restaurant. 

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now