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You were hired a few weeks ago by Criss to work as his personal secretary...you were so excited working for him...for he's been your hero since you were 13 years old...and you had an uncontrollable crush on him. So just to keep him impressed you gave him your extreme work ethics and never being late for work. Months go by and all your efforts you thought went down the drain...because he still didn't really notice you...or so you thought...one evening as you were closing up his office...he came into the room and with a very sweet smile that was to die for...he said that you were being replaced...your heart sank to the floor...and asked him what you did wrong...he stayed silent for a moment then told you that you did absolutely nothing wrong...that you were actually doing too good...and he just couldn't have that...you did everything so perfectly he never got to correct you in anything you did...because you were too perfect.

You grabbed your purse and told him that you were sorry that you did your job too good for him...then you stepped around him internally crushed...when he gently grabbed your arm...and added that plus he didn't date his employees...so his only other option was to fire you. You turned around a little shocked...not wanting to believe what you were hearing...but when he topped it off with a very passionate kiss...you knew he was totally serious. Criss moved away from you and asked you if you were ready to go on your first date with him to a very special dinner he had set up already...then added that it would be so cold if you turned him down. You decided to play a little hard to get...and told him that you'd rather have your job back...that it would probably last longer...but he just peeked over his shades...and said not really...because either way I would be fired...fired if you dated him...and fired if you didn't. You laughed at him...and told him he was such a shithead...Criss snickered and said yes he was...but he was a shithead with a very sexy new girlfriend.

You accepted his hand and went to dinner with him...which turned out to be one of the most amazing evenings ever...that was until after your third week of dating him...and he took you to Serenity for the first time...to spend the weekend with him, while he was on a short break from his show. Where you shared your first night of passion with him...and you knew after that moment he truly was magical with everything he did...and before he fell asleep snuggled very close to you...he whispered in your ear...that he loved you...and how happy he was that you were his.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now