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Criss Angel just got finished with another desert demonstration that involved a lot of Pyro. But when it went off prematurely, he was hit with a massive part of the blast, he wasn't hurt, but later that afternoon he became sick rather quickly. At first, he didn't think much of it and thought he just caught a cold from being out around so many people. By the next morning he was so sick he could barely move, and his buddy Klayton rushed him into the hospital. The first thing the doctors wanted to do was prod and poke him for his blood, so they could take some tests, then they gave him a quick physical and checked his vitals.

The second thing they told him was that three nurses would be coming in to hook an IV in him and start him on antibiotics and nutrients to keep him hydrated. Criss hated hospitals more than anything and growled and fussed with them the entire time. One of the head nurses was your aunt, and when she read his file, she knew that you would love to meet him...beens you were an assistant and a volunteer helper, during the skeleton crew on the weekends. So she set it up for you to work with her on her night shifts so you could meet him without you knowing that your aunt did it for you.

You went to the front desk for your list of rooms to clean, then you grabbed your cart and headed to the rooms and greet the patients as you cleaned and filled their water pitchers with fresh water and ice. When you got to room #313 the room was dark except for a little night light above the patients bed, and you thought he was asleep, so you cleaned as quickly and quietly as possible, then you put fresh water and ice in his pitchers, and slowly walked out, but he wasn't asleep. He asked you who you were because you weren't his usual nurse. You give him a slight smile when you realized who he was, and said you were a volunteer worker during the weekend.

Criss began to cough and gasp for a little air, as you rushed to his side and helped him set up so he could catch his breath. You got very worried about your hero of over 13 years and asked him what was wrong with him. He said as far as he knew he had some kind of virus...then added that the doctors told him that it wasn't contagious, but until the bloodwork went thru he wouldn't know for sure. But Criss added under his breath that he knew it wasn't any damn virus, that it was something else. You could tell by Criss's voice that he was nervous, and worried so you decided too stay with him and keep him company and just talk to him.

Criss thanked you for staying around, then he added that as soon as his girlfriend heard what happened and was told that there was something that could be fatally wrong with him, she dumped his ass and left him to deal with it alone. You put your hand in his and told him that you may not be his girlfriend, but you wouldn't let him go thru it alone. You jumped up and told him you had to finish up your work but would be back as soon as you finished to visit him some more. After you clocked out you did as you promised and stayed with him most of the night until it was time for the other shift to take over, and you had to leave. You made it part of your routine every weekend after that first encounter with Criss to spend as much time as you could with him.

                                 To Be Continued...

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now