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You and Criss Angel have been dating for a little over 4 months now...and he was ready to make the next step in your relationship...but you were still unsure...because of all the publicity...and being stuck in the public eye all the time...and never having a moments peace without Paparazzi scum sneaking around and taking perverted pictures of you and Criss in the privacy of his home...but everytime you brought it up to him...Criss would tell you that he was above it all...and that he loved you and that was it...and wasn't about to let anything that petty come in between you and him...which always managed to work on you...

One evening while you were at Serenity by yourself...basking in the sun in one of the lawn chairs by the swimming pool...two of the paparazzi people stooped low enough to actually sneak into the house and scare the hell out of you...taking snapshots of you laying nude in the chair...you hollered at them and chased them off after wrapping the robe around you...and called Criss at work and told him what happened to you just now...which actually spun Criss into an all new kind of pissed off...and he was home in no time...telling you that he would take care of that right now...Criss came back half an hour later with four dogs...two shepherds and two Dobermans...and dared any unwelcome guests to enter the house now.

Two weeks later, they tried to sneak in for more closeup pictures...while you and Criss were making out in the swimming pool...but they didn't even get past crawling over the fence before Zeus, Xristos, Chicklet, and Oso were all over their asses...Criss snickered and told you he better go get them before they kill somebody...but you grabbed him and told him to let the kids have fun with their new chew toys...that they were illegally trespassing...and got what they deserved...and the front of the yard on the outside of the fence said in red and black...Beware of vicious guard dogs.

Criss asked you again if you'd marry him now...you jumped in his lap and said absolutely...then you added that you were so ready to become a mom...then left him to think about what you just told him...once it sunk in...he flew out of the pool and tossed you up in the air and caught you then spun you in a complete circle...and kissed you several times as he thanked you...for making him the happiest guy on the planet...then he raced down the street and told the world that he was going to be a father!!! 6 months later, you gave birth to twins...a handsome son that you named Johnny Crisstopher Sarantakos...and an adorable little girl that you named Hayley Leanne Sarantakos.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now