~IMAGINE 16~(pt 2 of Imagine 15)

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You were now getting very tired from not only the walk...but you could no longer feel your leg...which you didn't know if it was a bad sign...or if it was just frozen from the cold...but you decided to say it was a good thing...for the cold weather would definitely slow the bleeding down a lot...Criss was now more less carrying you completely...for you had no strength at all left...Klayton stopped and waited for Criss to meet up with him...and he helped him carry you.

Criss gave a relieving sigh when he pointed everyone to the lodge...once it was in sight...everyone ran to the safety of the old building...Sully shoved the door open...and said it was dark and smelly...but at least it was dry and kept the cold out...Carrot-Top took Criss's lighter and immediately started a fire in the pit...then lit up every lantern he could find in the lodge...Sully barricaded the door to keep the wind from blowing it open...Siera, Rachel, and Abby shook all the blankets and warm clothes off then made pallets throughout the lodges floor...then opened their bags and brought out some food for everyone...but Klayton and Criss were around the table they laid you on...and began to work on your leg.

Rachel held a pot out the window and caught snow...then brought it in then set it over the fire to make warm water for Klayton and Criss to clean your wound with...Criss held my hand...as Klayton stitched you up...after he finished they both looked at you and noticed that you were sound asleep...the traveling and the extreme cold wore you out...and from the loss of blood. Criss picked you up off the table...and carried you to one of the empty pallets...and curled up behind you and pulled the blanket over you both...and he too fell asleep wrapped around you.

Klayton laid down next to Rachel...and Sully plopped down beside Siera...Abby was curled up with her Carrot-Top...for she was his girlfriend...and they all too fell asleep...while they were finally getting warm...a few hours later you woke up and felt very warm and comfortable...until you noticed a guys arm around you...with his hand on your breast...you turned around and saw Criss Angel sound asleep holding you very securely...at first you wanted to panic a little...but then you decided to snuggle down and move closer to him instead...for there was nothing like being stuck in a cabin in the freezing cold...to bring to bodies together...especially when that other body was Criss Angel...Criss kept his eyes closed but gave a slight smile when you snuggled closer to him...he moved his head next to yours and gently kissed you on the cheek without opening his eyes...and told you that he liked your closeness to him.

Everyone else was doing the same thing in all the other pallets...snuggling up with each other...getting in tune with the togetherness that the cold gave to them...the guys were even starting to get the uncontrollable urge for a little warming romance...and sexual passion...to warm up the mind-body-&-spirit a little.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now