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You are a huge loyal to Criss Angel since you were 13 years old...your parents decided to surprise you by taking you to Las Vegas to see his show, and meet him in person for the first time ever!...when your mom handed you the tickets...you jumped up and shrieked ecstatically...then rushed to your parents and hugged and kissed them numerously...then you headed to your room, and began packing for the trip...you grabbed all of your Mindfreak apparel and wanted to show it off by wearing it.

After the three-hour plane ride...you finally made it to The Luxor with your family...you rushed into the casino and looked all around just soaking in the excitement of it all...your parents tried to keep up with you, but it was a little difficult...your parents paid for a room, and finally caught up with you...and drug you up to the room...so you all could get settled in...but you wanted to stay in the Mindfreak Store...on the off chance that you might get to run into him...but your father put his foot down, and said to go up to the room...that you would see him soon enough.

After you and your family settled in, your mom decided it was time to grab a bite to eat...so you all headed down to one of the dining areas...there were so many places to eat in the Luxor, but you had your eyes hooked on Taco's and Tequila...for it was one of Criss's stopping spots...or it used to be. You all were escorted to a table...and ordered the food. It wasn't until after you all were done eating and getting ready to head into the casino area...when you looked up and saw HIM!! He was heading toward the elevator with a lot of screaming girls following him...you looked at your family and told them you wanted to be one of the screaming girls running after him too...so you went over to where he was...along with all the other crazed fans...but somehow you managed to squirm right to the front...and if you reached out you could have actually touched him.

He was on the phone...so after a while most of the fans dispersed when they realized Criss wasn't in the mood for entertaining at the moment, but you stayed...after he got off the phone...you asked if you could get an autograph from him...but after telling you he wasn't in the mood for your silly obsessions...he ignored you completely...and went in the elevator and was gone...your mom watched the entire thing...and told you that it was ok...that it wasn't worth the mixed emotions...but it was to you. It crushed you so badly, that you just went to the room, and you tossed your tickets to his show in the trash...and told your parents that you just wanted to go home.

The next day came early and after a lot of pleading by your mom...she finally got you to go down with her to have breakfast with her...beens your father hasn't left the gambling tables yet...your mom took you to the Pyramid cafe and ordered two healthy breakfasts...and as you were eating...Criss Angel, walked in and sat down right beside you...and slowly removed his sunglasses and says hi to you...you turn away from him and ignore him completely...and your mom just watched...Criss begged you not to be that way that he was just trying to apologize...to you for being out of step with everyone yesterday...but you still ignored him...even after he pouted and laid his head on your shoulder...your heart went out...but you stayed firm on the silence.

Criss tried winning you over with a little magic...then he told you all your favorite things...but beens none of that made you look at him...he decided to get a little personal...and when he told you he could tell you your current sexual status...you spun around and splashed your drink in his face and stormed off...Criss snickered a little bit and told your mom that he actually deserved that...then your mom told him how badly you were hurting by his negative response to you...and all of your life's history about loving him for so long...Criss stood up and said what you needed was to cool off a little bit...for you were just too steamed up to accept his heartfelt apology.

So Criss got up and headed to where you were standing to look into the fountains clear water...and told you that you really needed to cool off some of that steam. Then out of nowhere he lightly pushed you into the fountain...you sat up in the fountain and shouted a lot of obscenities at him...but he just kept giggling, even after you grabbed him and pulled him in next to you...then he looked right at you and asked you if you were cooled off enough to accept his apology. You looked right up at him all steamy and said not if he was the last man on earth...then as you tried to get out...he grabs you back down and lays a huge kiss on you...and said please.

You looked at him, not being able to believe what he just did...but after he kissed you for the third time...you shook your head yes...after you accepted his apology...he lifted you out of the fountain and carried you as everyone in the lobby stood to watch...you and Criss, but he looked around at all of them and said, what you and he decided to take a bath, and do our laundry at the same time...then he carried you into his store, and handed you a towel to dry off with. Criss sat down beside you and whispered his sincere apology...then handed you tickets to his show...and said he would really love to see you there...and that he would be looking for you...then he kissed you one more time, and left.

You looked at the tickets...and realized they were tickets for front and center!...instead of the back seat tickets, your parents bought...You and your family really enjoyed the performance...until the ending came when he was his alter-ego Xristos...after he did his runs thru the aisles and tossed his foam balls at random people...while spewing blood at them...he grabs you and carries you to the stage...and as the curtains went down...Criss placed his lips on your neck and as the fake blood went down your neck...and acted like a vampire...then the curtains went down...and you finally got to be with your Mindfreak!

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now