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You were at your girlfriend's daughter's birthday party...helping with all the kids...trying to keep them under control...when you get the phone call from the jerk you paid to come entertain the kids in his clown and a hound act...telling you that he couldn't make it...and that he sent you your money back to you...then very rudely hangs up on you...you run over to your bestie and tell her that the bastard canceled on you at the last minute...and asked if she had any ideas on last second entertainment for the kids...your friend tells you no problem and to look after the kids while she went in the house to call her crazy ass brother-in-law...that he would do anything for as little as a cookie and a handshake...or hug.

You give her the thumbs up as you wait with all the kids that were becoming a very restless group...wanting to see some magic...you didn't know much about magic...but you did a few pretty cool juggling acts for them to keep them entertained...then one at a time you told them to grab one item from the table and toss it to you...when they did...you juggled it along with the other items you had already...until your friends brother-in-law showed up...he walked up behind you and jokingly told you not to drop anything...which broke your concentration...and all the items went flying everywhere!...you turned around wanting to slap the shit out of him...but when you saw him...you were entranced...your girlfriends brother was HOTT!...he gave you a smile and said he would take it from there.

He jumped in front of all the kids...and asked them if they were ready for some magic...they all jumped up and cheered...he started out with exploding magical confetti from his hands...then he told the kids there was something in his tummy that needed to come out...and put his fingers down his throat and pulled out a multicolored ribbon...then he handed it to all the kids to help him pull it out...it looked like it was over a mile long...and finally when it came to its end...it had a pretty necklace tied to it...he put it on his niece...and told her it was especially for his birthday girl...then he did a few card tricks...for them...and made a whole bunch of balloon figures, animals, and hats...for all of them...but some of the boys that were there wanted to see more awesome tricks...so he pulled out a string...and rolled it into a ball...and put it in his mouth...then told them that his eye was feeling weird...and moved in very close to them...and put his thumb and finger by his eye...and began to pull the string out of his eye...all the girls shrieked as the boys were saying how cool that was.

Your friend stopped him when he wanted to do his needle and razor-blade trick...and told him he's done quite enough and it was time for the kids to have their cake and ice cream...then it was time for the presents...then the party was over...because the other parents would be there to pick their kids up...he looked at her as he said that really sucked...but he grabbed a piece of cake and sat down beside you...and held out his hand and said he was Criss...you shook his hand...and told him it was nice meeting him...but before you could say anything else...he asked you if you were single...right when you tell him yes...he looks at you and tells you no your not...then he adds that you are so taken...you argue the matter with him until he tells you that you are so taken by him...which makes you laugh with him...as you tell him there was a much easier way to ask you out then that...he stared into your eyes and asked you what better way to get a beautiful girl to smile...then by ultimate flattery...and charm...plus the arguing then realizing that he was talking about him taking you...that look on your face was epic!...then he reached over you and kissed you with chocolate cake and ice cream still on his lips...and tells you that was definitely the sweetest kiss ever...it was one birthday party you would never forget...and later down the line...when anyone ever asked you where you and Criss met...your best friends daughter's 13th birthday party...while doing a bit of little magic.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now