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You and Criss have been dating for a couple of weeks now and he wanted to spend some alone time with you, so he paid for a vacation that was going to be a secluded and lovely western styled cabin, it was going to have horses there to ride, and fishing, and just recreational leave from the loud hecticness of the city. You have never been on a ranch, or ridden a horse before, and Criss was very eager to get you on one so you and he could do some trail riding with you and maybe even a little camping out in a nice romantic tent with a passionate campfire and roasting marshmallows and telling each other scary stories.

But you tried to go around the horseback riding by doing all the other things like fishing, hiking, and swimming, not that you were afraid of horses or didn't like them, because you loved all animals, it was just you didn't want to make a jackass out of yourself by showing everyone that you couldn't mount the horse without falling off, let alone stay in the saddle while one was moving. So while Criss kept you entertained during the day, you had to keep him entertained when the sun went down, which was the highlight of the vacation for both of you. He was such a sexy and silly romantic and definitely knew how to show you a good time.

It was during your final week of the vacation that Criss finally talked you into trying horseback riding with him, and after your third time trying to mount the horse it worked without you falling. Criss rode beside you on his palomino that he picked out to ride until you got the hang of it in the round pen, then he rode toward the gate and opened it so you and he could go on a nice ride and camping trip just for two. Criss had the tent and bedrolls on his horse, as you both rode side by side together. You both took in the sites and took hundreds of silly selfies together. The first ride was very nice, without any accidents. You and Criss set up the tent then you went on a fun scavenger hunt finding sticks to start a fire with, in the fire pit Criss built.

As soon as night fell came the closeness for the marshmallow roasting and storytelling, only instead of sitting beside him, you sat in his lap. You split a Cherry Pepsi before heading into the tent for some after dark passionate fun, then you fell asleep entwined while wrapped in the same sleeping bag. You had a lot of fun during your camping trip, but after four days it was time for you to head back to the cabin so you could pack up and head back to Vegas again, for vacation time would be over.

You helped Criss pack and load all the supplies on his horse then you pulled the tether from your horse because he saddled him for you, you magically mount without any difficulty. You and Criss slowly headed back to the cabin, you were almost there when your horse suddenly got spooked by a snake and you went flying off your horse and he ran nonstop all the way back to the cabin. Criss was by your side instantly, and checking you out asking if you were alright...you thought you were fine, but when you tried to stand up pain fired up your left leg, Criss pulled your pants down and checked your leg out, not only was it massively bruised and swollen, Criss looked up at you and said your leg was broken in two places.

 He quickly made a splint for your leg then gently lifted you on his horse, and walked the horse the rest of the way to the cabin, then quickly gathered all of luggage and tossed it in the car then gently laid you in the back seat and rushed you to the hospital so they could take care of it and put it in a cast for you. Criss kissed you as he got a little emotional saying it was all his fault, that you didn't even want to go riding. Then he kissed you deeply and promised you that he would take good care of you...then he whispered in your ear that he loved you so much. You giggled a little and told him that you loved him more...and that you expected the 110% princess treatment while she was wounded. Criss snickered and said you got it baby girl.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt