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A terrible homicide hit your home around 3:00 in the morning...you heard the screams and rushed downstairs...where you saw your girlfriend laying on the ground with a knife in her back...and of all people you saw Criss Angel leaning over her with the knife in his hand...your sister calls the police and they immediately haul him off...he was trying to explain to you...but you were in too much pain to want to listen to him...later on that day the police called you and said the suspect wanted to talk to you...you gave a deep sigh...not really wanting to talk to him...because you couldn't believe that your neighbor...and celebrity Criss Angel actually killed her.

Criss was sitting at a table wearing a complete security harness with the cuffs attached to his waist...you snickered to yourself for the fact that you knew he could get out of that very easily if he wanted too...you slowly sat down and seen the hurt in his eyes...and leaned over to you and told you with all sincerity that he didn't kill her...he heard the scream...and ran mindlessly into the house and got knocked down by someone then when he saw her lying there he just had pulled the knife out of her back...trying to turn her over to see if she was still alive...and that you just saw him at the wrong time...he looked deep into your eyes and said that you knew him...he didn't have the stomach or the heart to hurt or kill anyone...or anything for that matter.

You believed him...and asked him if he got the slightest look at the person that ran him over trying to get out...he looked down and shook his head no...he looked back up at you and asked if you would help him...you slowly stood up and touched his hand and told him that you did believe him...and you'd try to do everything you could to keep him from getting charged with the murder...he stood up and leaned toward you to get a hug...you hugged him as he thanked you...your sister, however, both hated and resented Criss for turning her down when she asked him to go out with her...and wanted to see him suffer.

You went back home and recounted for everything...but the one thing that you didn't think about was the real killer...being back in your house...because the person he killed wasn't his target...but you were...you were walking up to your room to get ready for a nice bath when he jumped out of the pantry and followed behind you...but what he didn't know...was that you saw him thru the mirror a long time ago...and hit your silent break-in emergency button in the hallway...then at the last second you rushed into your bathroom and locked yourself in and screamed out the window for help...

The police had your house surrounded on all sides and exits...so the killer was stuck in the house...the killer was slowly breaking in the door...as you were crawling out the window...the fire department had a secure catcher for you to fall into...as soon as you were in the clear they rushed the building and apprehended the killer...when they tore his mask off...you were shocked when you saw it was your sister!!...she scowled at you and said she almost got away with it...and got her paybacks from that bastard at the same time...you looked at her and asked why...but all she said over and over again was how much she hated and despised you.

The police hauled her to prison for murder and attempt of murder...then you went with the police when they brought Criss out of the jail...and had him released...he ran up to you and pulled you into an enormous hug and thanked you for believing him...you snickered and told him with mild humor that he looked so sexy in prison orange...he chuckled and said even so...he wanted to get home and change as quickly as possible...then as you drove him home...he placed his hand on yours and asked you to be his girlfriend...you gave his hand a squeeze and said there was nothing better than having an ex-convict asking you out...then after you pulled up in the driveway...you pulled him to you and gave him a huge kiss.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now