~IMAGINE 28~(pt 2 of Imagine 25)

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(This Imagine is for Siera Smith)

You and your daughter Brie, have lived with your new family now for almost a year and a half...you worked at your dad's job, as a secretary. You had never been happier that your life finally turned around...but now all you needed was someone to share you and your daughter's live's with...but when it came to the dating game...none of the guys worked out...and none of them wanted to take care of another mans mistake/accident/child. 

But you weren't going to make a big deal out of it...for you had another thing on your mind at the moment...your best friends from Vegas, called you...and asked you to bring your family back to Vegas...to come to their wedding...for Criss popped the question to her, and she said yes to him...and now they were calling all their friends and family to come help them celebrate it...plus Criss really missed his little niece hanging on him constantly...and it was still a few months before Kc delivered their first baby...

You brought your entire family with you...when you finally made it to Vegas...and when the limo's pulled up at Serenity's parking lot...you noticed how full the house was already...which made you a little nervous...but little Brie remembered exactly where she was...and ran into the doors hollering out for her uncle Criss. But Criss wasn't the first one that found her...her uncle Klayton grabbed her and held her upside down and tickled her belly...and lifted her up, and kissed her on her now rosy cheeks...then carried to where Criss was hanging out with some of the other guys before the wedding ceremony started...and tossed her to him...Criss covered her in butterfly kisses...then she squeaked out trick...trick!

Criss did a couple of tricks for her...then handed her a lollipop, as he welcomed you and the entire bounty hunting team/family...then you headed upstairs to see how Kc was doing...but you stopped dead in your tracks when you saw Roman Reigns standing at the bottom of the steps...looking right at you...and when he didn't stop, it made you blush...moments later he approached you and asked you if you would dance with him after the main couple danced to theirs...you giggled a little at him, and said you'd love to...then as he kissed your hand...you rushed up the stairs...to check to see how Kc was doing.

The Wedding went absolutely perfectly, and as soon as Criss and Kc did their dance...sure enough Roman Reigns was right there waiting for you to dance with him...after dancing with him for one song...it just wasn't enough...for either of you...you both ended up dancing the entire time together...after the wedding celebration was over...Roman came out and said he really liked you a lot and wanted to take you out...you hesitated and told him that you had a little girl...but he said he's already met, Brie, and she was as cute as a button...and said he still wanted to give it a try...if you were willing to take some time off from Hawaii...and stay around long enough to see if he was the guy you've been waiting for.

So it all ended up perfectly...Criss and Kc went off to Cancun, Mexico for one week...then went to another vacation spot in Cabo, Mexico for two weeks...during the time they were gone...you and Roman stayed in their paradise, Serenity...and took care of the house...and got very close to each other in the process...by the time Criss and Kc got back...you both were head over heels in love with each other...so much so, that Roman decided to go back to Hawaii with you...for a few months...then you and Brie would come live with him for a few months...during your steady dating...but you both connected on such a great level...that you both wanted to move up the relationship ladder...but decided to keep it slow...so neither of you made any mistakes that would end up causing you to split up...you were really in love...all thanks to Criss and his wedding...to your best friend, that got you introduced to Roman Reigns.

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