~IMAGINE 91~(Pt. 2 of Imagine 90)

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You and Criss became very close friends during his time in the hospital, but it wasn't until the 13th day that the doctor came in and told him what was wrong with him...Criss couldn't believe what he was hearing and refused to believe what they were telling him. Criss kept it to himself, as he tried to fathom how he could win a fight that couldn't be won and it was tearing him up inside. Your aunt, however, was the main nurse that was there during his blood analysis and tried to get you to stop seeing Criss, because she was worried for you, knowing that Criss was dying and couldn't be saved, and she didn't want you to have to see it.

But you evaded her during your weekend volunteer work and went to visit him like always only this time you brought your lunch with you and some freshly baked chocolate chip cookies that you made. You knew Criss hated hospital food so you always shared your food with him. Criss tried to keep it from you but you could tell he was really distant, and quiet tonight so you asked him what was wrong. Criss silently reached out for your hand, as soon as you placed your hand into his, he pulled you into the bed and held you very close to him as he told you he just needed to be close to you and to be held for a while.

You wrapped your arms around him and held onto him tightly as he went into a slight emotional outburst, and cried silently to himself. You gently rubbed and played in his sexy streaked hair and tried to get him to talk to you, but he refused to talk about it. Just then your aunt burst in the door and told you that you needed to leave the room and to stay away from Criss from now on. You looked up at her and told her that wasn't going to happen because it was apparent that something was worrying him and he needed someone with him and you wouldn't let him go through it alone. Your aunt grabbed you and told you again you have to leave...she tried to get you to leave without telling you that he was dying, but with your obstinate stubbornness, it irritated her enough and she blurted out that she didn't want you in there anymore, because your hero was dying of radiation poisoning and there was nothing anyone could do for him.

Your heart was ripped out of your chest at the moment you heard what she said and held him tighter and told her over and over again that she was wrong!! as you began to cry hysterically. Then you kissed his forehead and promised that you wouldn't leave him alone ever, that you would be there for him no matter what. Criss held you close to his heart and whispered how much he loved and adored you for your loyalty and love for him, and for the fact that when everyone else gave up on him, you had the strength and courage to stay with him during the most trialing time in his life. After he finished telling you how important you are to him, he asked you to leave so he could speak with your aunt.

You waited in the hall as they spoke to each other, then when your aunt came out, she said that you could go back in, that he was waiting for you. You rushed in as he was reaching out for you again...and as he held you close to him, he said he had something important to ask you. You sat up and gave him your full attention. Criss held your hand as he gently rubbed them, and looked right into your baby blues, and asked you if you would marry him. So he wouldn't have to die alone he would be with someone that loved him and one he loved in return. He said he was worried about dying without a wife because the state would keep everything that he owned and keep his family from getting anything, but if he had a wife it would automatically go to her. Then he looked at you and said he knew that you wouldn't keep his family from it, and you would distribute it fairly amongst them because he didn't have a will.

You were shocked, at his request, but you told him that you would do anything for him. Criss gave you a weak and loving smile, as he told you that he got permission from your aunt first, and as he was asking you, she went down to get the padre from the church that stayed in the hospital for the last rights for dying patients to marry them. The padre tied a string to both of their ring fingers and touched both of their heads with a drop of holy water, the recited the marital vows and married them...He pulled out a certified marriage license and filled it out then handed it to Criss for him to put his thumbprint in the circle, then sign it...then you did the same thing on the other side of it. Your aunt was the witness and she signed it, then the padre signed it. He handed you the certificate then took the copy to have it legalized by the state.

Criss did one last piece of magic and placed his hand over your hand, and where the string was tied, there was magically a beautiful white gold diamond ring, and on his finger was the matching band with a diamond stone in the center of it. You gave him a huge kiss and told him that you loved him always and forever. That night he was placed in a private room beens there was nothing else that could be done for him, and you and he shared your honeymoon night together.

                     To Be Continued...

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