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This Imagine is for Rachel Pendergast

You and a group of friends were heading to Andrew Dice Clay's comedy spoof, that he does nightly at the Savoy Night Club...you got your usual seats...and watched as he used his foul mouth to insult, degrade, and spoof on other celebrities...it wasn't until the show was half-way through...when he began to spoof on none other than Criss Angel...who was recently doing a charity benefit in the same building for his H.E.L.P. foundation...and just happened to walk into the room and hear Andy making fun of him...so Criss being Criss...he ran up on the stage, and began to comically retort all of his spoofs with perfect comebacks...and in the end Criss Angel so got the best of him...and also got the last word in...for Criss got him so tongue tied that he didn't know what to say next...

The entire crowd was standing up and rooting for Criss...you were just so entranced as how beautiful he was even when he was all dressed up in a fancy suit...and he cut all of his sexy hair off...but you still couldn't believe how gorgeous he was...for his age...and you so wanted to tell him that...but having a guy like him in your life was impossible...or was it...for right after you thought that Criss jumped off the stage and sat down beside you...you just looked at him as he smiled at you...then he said he hadn't that much fun in a long time...then you all looked up at the stage and watched as Andy still was just standing there thinking very hard on what to say next as a comeback...you told Criss that you could have sworn you saw steam coming out of Andy's ears...Andrew then looked around at the audience and said he had nothing...then he threw the mike down and very poutingly walked off the stage.

Everyone clapped and cheered out very loudly Mindfreak over and over again...but before the riot actually started your friends headed out the doors...but you got left behind...and Criss stopped you and asked you if you'd like to grab a bite to eat with him...your heart went pitty-pat very fast just before crashing as you said yes very excitedly...Criss put his arm around you and said that was great for him...because he really hated eating alone...and that long charity event and then hammering on Andrew...really gave him an appetite...you smiled at him as you walked beside him to the nearest food court...you had the greatest unexpected lunch date ever...and watched a very amazing comedy all in the same day...but your heart levitated to the sky, when Criss Angel!! asked you on another date next weekend...so he could have a beautiful girl with him and his son Johnny for his next charity event...you said you'd love to join him for that very important and special occasion and with his adorable little boy that you really wanted to meet...he handed you the paper on it, so you'd be ready when he came to pick you up...then he kissed you on the cheek and headed back to the Luxor...leaving you standing there in complete sugar-shock.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now