~IMAGINE 31~(pt 3 of Imagine 25)

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This Imagine is for Siera Smith

You and Roman have been dating for almost two years now living in Vegas again close to your best friends Criss Angel and Kc...but as of late you and Roman were in more fights than ever before...and no matter what you did to try to make it better, it would just piss him off more...one day while you were doing the laundry...Roman came up behind you and for no reason you understood...he slapped you to the floor, and said he was thru with your ass and stormed out the door...and ordered you to be gone before he got back...You called Kc and Criss...to come help you...and you stayed with them for a few weeks, until you decided just to take your daughter, and go back home to your family in Hawaii.

After the long flight, and the aching heart...you finally made it to your home, where you were greeted by your dad, and rest of your family...and as soon as your dad saw the bruisings on your face...he wanted to go back to Vegas and kick that wrestlers ass...and show him that size didn't matter...that his wrestling was all put on and staged...and he'd show him some real fighting...but you told him that Criss already kicked his ass, and told him off for you...and there was nothing worse than a pissed off Greek...especially one as mentally, physically, and spiritually as strong as Criss. After you told your father that...he told you if Criss took care of it for you...then it was good enough for him.

You and your daughter started your lives over again from the beginning, and just wanted to spend the time alone with your family to heal...and you decided that you didn't need a man to be happy...for nothing made you happier than your family and friends...Criss and Kc came to Hawaii to go on vacation and visit with you and your family...and to show off their beautiful baby boy...Johnny Crisstopher...you never seen Criss more proud of anything than when he was holding his lil boy in one arm...and clinging to his wife in his other...with your daughter clinging to Criss's neck from the back...it was so adorable at how all kids no matter what their age...loved Criss so much.

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