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You were Criss Angel's girlfriend, and you were pregnant with his child...but you were also a junkie...Criss was trying so hard to get you off of the drugs...but you just weren't strong enough...so right after his son was born...he took full custody of his son...and left you...afraid that you wouldn't be the greatest influence on his son...after he left you...and took your baby...you wanted to prove to him and everyone that you could fight it and win...it was the hardest things in your life to do...but after two and a half years...you walked out of the clinic clean and no longer craving at all.

The next week, you looked up Criss and found out that he was now living in Vegas with your son...so you wanted to make a surprise visit...and show him that you did it...and maybe now he would let you be a part of your son's life...and you were a little depressed in not even knowing your sons name...for he left right after he was born...you didn't even get to see him...for you were so fucked up on pills and needles...but it was all over now...and you wanted to prove it.

You made it to Las Vegas and got a room at the Luxor where he worked...but decided not to go up to him in a hurry...you wanted to take your time...so you went down to the ticket booth, and bought a ticket for his show Mindfreak Live...you paid for a front and center seat... you could see him up close and in person...the show was getting ready to start...and you stood up and applauded him right as he came out to the stage...and when you saw a little boy wearing a magician's hat come out and hand Criss his microphone...you broke into tears...knowing it was your son...you watched Criss's entire show...then just before the crowd cleared the theater...you stood up and went to the stage...and touched Criss's leg...he turned around, and knelt down...but when he looked into your eyes he remembered you like it was yesterday.

You were in tears and said you did it...then you showed him your release papers stating that you were clean and no longer an addict. Criss reached out for your hand...and pulled you up on the stage...then asked you to wait there...he came out with his little boy in his arms and through the microphone he stated very clearly...that it was time for his son Johnny Crisstopher to meet his mom...you in tears held out your hands to Johnny and begged to hold him...Johnny reached out for you and right when you touched...it was love...Criss applauded and congratulated you for defeating your demons and coming back to him and their son...then he walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you and kissed you...and whispered in your ear that he really missed you...you kissed him and your son and said that after losing them both...it was too much for you to handle...and it was what kept you fighting...and now you wanted to come home...Johnny was clinging to you smiling and saying mommy over and over...as Criss was holding you tightly...telling you that you were home now...and he even had a few tears in his eyes.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now