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It was close to your birthday...and you have always wanted more than anything...to see Criss Angel perform live, and get to meet him in person & maybe get a picture or two with him...you have been a loyal in your own right since the first time you ever heard of him...which was when you were 12 years old...you were now going to be 30 years old...and still as much in love with him as you were when you first saw him performing in New York when he first started out...

But you never had the money to do anything with...you could barely keep your head above water, after paying all the bills, and the taxes that was due on the house...you didn't have any friends to speak of, and your family was just as bad off as you were...you worked three jobs and still couldn't make ends meet...the only friends you had were friends from Facebook, that you never met in person...but they were the best friends you ever had...and they all had one thing in common with you...they all loved Criss Angel too. One friend, in particular, was more than a sister to you...she went to Vegas and saw Criss Angel, and got to get her picture taken with him...and when she made it back home...she was so sweet and thoughtful to buy you a few gifts and send them to you. Which was more than anyone has ever done for you.

One day, as you went to your mailbox...you see a colorful envelope addressed to you with no return address, or any names on it...you go to the house and go thru the rest of your mail first...then you slowly pick up the envelope, and curiously open it...you pull your hand out of the envelope, and see two tickets to Criss Angels Mindfreak Live Show!!! You look in the envelope for any letter or anything showing who sent it to you...but there was only one other thing in the envelope...a key card for an already paid for room!!! It had Criss Angels face on it...a little sticky note was attached to the room key...it read, that "all you have to do was find the means to get to Vegas, and everything else is already paid for...hoping to see you there" You kept reading the note over and over again, wondering who would do so much for you...but you couldn't think of a soul.

You called your bank and asked them how much money you had in the bank...then you calculated how much money it would cost for a ticket to Las Vegas...either by bus or plane. A bus would take longer, but it was also cheaper...at $287.00 and it was almost 500.00 for a plane ride. You decided that you were going to do it no matter what...after getting $350.00 dollars out of your account it drained it...but you weren't going to pass up the once in a lifetime opportunity. You quickly packed and headed to the nearest Greyhound...and bought your ticket...and carried some food, and drink with you...so you wouldn't have to pay extra's...after the very long bus ride with several short stops...you finally made it to Las Vegas...the bus dropped you off, three blocks away from the hotel.

You walked into the Luxor for the first time...and you almost fainted at the wondrous sight of it...you made it to the front desk and showed them your tickets to see Criss Angels show, and your room key...they took your name down and said they were expecting you, then they had an escort show you to the room...after you got settled in...the Usher said when it was time an escort would come to take you to your seat for the show. You got dressed up in the only Loyal swag you had...which was a homemade necklace that you made of his CA logo...with a tiny cross attached to it with Believe etched on the side of it...and your CA logo key necklace that your friend sent you for a gift. Then you put on your Criss Angel, Loyal Angel T-shirt that was homemade...you lightly put makeup on, and only darkened the eyeliner to bring out the blue in your eyes...and then you just waited...and let the butterflies take over your stomach.

It was now 8:00 that evening and the knock came on your door...and Klayton Scott! was the gentleman that was going to escort you to the show!! He was another man you truly loved and admired...he sat you down, then joined you...and said he hoped you really enjoyed the show...that for as many times as he's set in on the show...they amaze him every time he see's it...the show started and you were in awe and pure excitement the entire time...after the show Klayton was holding your hand...and said he was going to personally escort me to the back to meet his blood brother. You saw him up close and your heart literally stopped for a few seconds...and uncontrollable tears welled up in your eyes as he approached you...he gave you a hug and kissed you on the cheek...and you finally got your pictures with him...and he signed your shirt, and your CA cap you were wearing, that Klayton put on your head.

You showed him your small sketches you've done of him over the years of loving him...they were nothing fancy or professional...but he loved them like they were...and thanked you so much for your loyal dedication and love...but he was in a big hurry for business that he had to do...and apologized for the rushed meet...You quickly grabbed him and gave him a quick smooch on the lips...before he left...he gave you a warm smile and left...but Klayton Scott said he had nowhere that he had to be...and he decided to take you out on a dinner date...you asked him if he knew who sent you the tickets for and paid for your room...he smiled as he was eating...and said Catherine paid for the tickets...and that he paid for the room, and for his escorting service. You thought to yourself how much you loved your loyal sister...for not knowing you at all, or ever meeting each other and her going out and doing all this just for you was so heartwarming...she treated you better than your real family...you teared up a little bit, and thanked him for everything and meeting him was an honor in itself.

Klayton moved in very close to you and asked you if you wouldn't mind spending the night with him...you giggled and blushed at the same time, but shook your head in total agreement...but quickly added if he would sing and teach you how to play the guitar...he quickly said deal...then stood up and took your hand and said let's blow this pop stand...and go to his place.

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