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Criss Angel was a good friend of your family but you never got to meet him...because he became famous before you were old enough to remember him...one day your father had an emergency to go to in Africa for his job in international trading and beens your mother was his personal secretary she had to go with him...you were 17...and your brother was 12...and your other sister was 8...you told your parents that you were plenty old enough to take care of your brother and sister...and didn't need a babysitter...

Your father was on such short notice he called Criss beens he was in town and had a few drinks with him last night...Criss told him that he wouldn't mind at all...because he was on a vacation from Vegas for at least a month...Criss came over that late afternoon to introduce himself to you and the other kids only you weren't home yet...then he saw your parents off...and slapped his hands together and asked what your brother and sister wanted to do first beens the parents were away all the little kids could come out and play. 

You didn't come home until after 10 that night...and walked in and saw Criss laying on the couch watching Godzilla in his underwear...while talking on the phone with someone named Stoney...you knew he was older...but he was gorgeous...he got off the phone and looked over at me and when he made eye contact with me he fell to the floor...and looked up at me with a very cheesy grin and said hey...you looked down at him and said hi...he jumped up and sat back down on the couch and told you how stunning you looked...when you noticed he was actually flirting with you...you realized that he didn't know that you were the oldest daughter that he was supposed to be watching...so you played along and told him how gorgeous he was...and asked if he was a friend of the family's... he snickered a little bit and said that him and the family go way back.

He patted the seat beside him and slid over a little bit as you sat down beside him and watched some of the show together...he was a very fast mover...twenty minutes after you sat down...he had his arm around you and moving in...but you let him...after the show was over with...he turned out the lights and laid with you on the sofa...but he wasn't moving quite as fast as you wanted to...so you started the fire by kissing him...after the first kiss the spark ignited the fire...and he went all the way with you...then curled up behind you with his arms wrapped around you...when you woke up that morning and looked down at him...you knew you fell irrevocably in love with him...but you knew you had to tell him the truth...before your parents got back.

But you quickly changed your mind when he became more possessive of you...wanting to spend all the time with you...especially when night time came...it wasn't until the day your parents called your cell phone and asked you how things were going...you told them it was all good...then they said they would be home sometime tonight...your heart plummeted to the floor...knowing that it meant the end with Criss.

Criss was listening to the conversation while in the kitchen making food for the other two kids...and it all dawned on him that he was sleeping with his friends oldest daughter...and he didn't know it...but he didn't really know what to do...because the feelings he had for you were very real and extremely strong...he was in love with you. You came out of the room and offered to help him with dinner for your brother and sister...after you all ate and the two kids went out in the back to play...Criss confronted you with it...and you shook your head yes...then you added that you really loved him...and didn't want to lose him when you parents got back...he looked down at you and said he didn't either...then he moved in and kissed you deeply...and said that he wasn't going to let it happen.

Criss carried you up to the bedroom and made long passionate love to you, knowing that your parents would be home before he could get another chance with you...you helped him get your siblings ready for bed, then just snuggled up with him on the couch and watched tv with him until you both fell asleep in each other's arms...you both were asleep when your parents walked in...but before you father could say anything your mother grabbed him and pulled him upstairs to bed and told him to let it go...that if he didn't know his friend by now...he never will...you and Criss both snickered at your parents reactions...then snuggled up with each other and went back to sleep...knowing that you could keep him.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora