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You were one of Criss Angel's oldest friends...and he was taking his girlfriend on a vacation, but at the last minute...he asked you to pack up too, for he would call it all off if you didn't go with him too...Criss's girlfriend was so jealous of the closeness you and Criss had...and deep down you were jealous of her...for getting to be with him in the one way, you've always wanted him...but never had the courage to tell him...for your fear of him denying you...for since high school he firmly believed in not dating his best friends...he said it was way too weird.

You told him at first that you weren't welcome...but Criss kissed you on the cheek and told you right in front of his girlfriend...that you would always be welcome with him...then he turned to his girlfriend, and added no matter what. You packed one bag and followed behind them to the airport...then you sat apart from them at first...but Criss told you to sit on the other side of him...and not so far away...for you were with them on this vacation. Once you all got there, Criss paid for the rooms, then headed down to the beach...wanting to soak up some rays...his girlfriend was right up his ass...your jealousy rose up...and you decided that coming with them wasn't a great idea.

You stayed to yourself for the most part...then when Criss wanted to go on the nature hike on the island...with the tour guide leading the way to where Criss was going to plant his little tree in loving memory of his dad...and the emotional content he was feeling...he wanted to be close to you...for you knew his father very well, and he was like a father to you as well...and for the first time since the vacation...his girlfriend was jealous of you...for there were some things that you and Criss shared that no one else could...but after he planted his tree and on the way back to the rooms...but still on the trail...he stopped and said not to step on the Ants!!...because then someone would say oh look a dead ant....then he began to sing the theme song of the pink panther...dadant, dadant, dadant, dadant---which made you laugh for he used to do silly shit like that all the time growing up...his girlfriend thought it was very lame.

 After that moment...Criss spent more time with you, than he ever did with his girlfriend...she noticed the distance he put between her and him...and realized that Criss was beginning to fall for his best friend...at first she was pissed off, but then she told herself, that you and he did deserve each other for after all you and he had been through together...and she knew how you felt about him...so she womaned up and decided to tell Criss that they were over...that she found a greener pasture to grow in. Criss was a little upset at first, but then he turned to you, and realized how much he loved you...and that very night was the absolute best night of your life...for you finally got to be with the only one you wanted to ever be with since you were 16 years old...when Criss headed back to Vegas...his girlfriend was his new best friend...and his best friend was his girlfriend...and you loved him more than life itself.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora