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You and Criss have been married for 3 weeks now...one day he starts arguing with you for no good reason...and threatens to leave you...then when you try to talk to him about it...he ignores you and leaves...so you try getting a hold of Dimitra...and ask for her advice, but she wasn't home...you were very worried that you were going to lose the man you love more than anything...and your marriage...for something you knew nothing about...

You went over to JD's house and tried to ask him what was going on with Criss...but he told Lynn and Demi to go inside...then he said that he really hoped his brother would leave you...for what you did...then he went inside...you hollered back to him and asked him what you did wrong!?? But he ignored you too...you tried to have lunch, but you were too upset about all that was happening to you...then you decided to go talk to Costa...for he was always on your side during little family squabbles...but when you pulled up at his house...he looked at you with extreme disappointment, and walked into his house and shut the door...then pulled the curtains...you sat down at the curb and tried very hard to understand what it was you did so wrong.

but instead of it hurting you so badly...you were now very pissed off, and spun out from Costa's driveway and headed to the Luxor to go after your loving hubby...and order him to tell you what in the hell was going on!! After you left Costa was in the car with JD and headed the back way to the Luxor...you pulled up in the parking lot and stormed through the doors and headed straight for the theater...but he wasn't there...then you headed to his Believe Store...but it was shut up tight too...then you rushed down to Liquidity to see if he was relaxing in there...but nothing...last but not least you finally headed to the Mindfreak Store...and he was sitting on the couch talking with mama D, JD, and Costa!!...you burst in the doors full of tears from anger and sadness...and ordered him to tell you what it was that you did...Criss slowly got up and walked up to you...with a very serious look on his face...you looked over at your family, and they all had really straight faces too...then he grabs you like he's about to either knock you out, or hurl your ass out the doors...then he takes a deep breath in and says...SUCKER!!!...BABY YOU'VE BEEN HAD!!...APRIL FOOLS!!...then everyone in the room falls over laughing and pointing at you...you look up at him and tell him he is such an ASSHOLE!! Then you storm out of the room...he runs after you and butters up to you...and asks you not to be mad...it was a joke...and you took it hook-line-&-sinker.

Then he pulled you into his arms and said you know you didn't do anything wrong...and that right after the argument you should have realized he was full of shit...you looked at him and said that was not funny...or nice, making you feel that badly...just to humor himself at your expense...Criss picked you up and carried you back into the store and deeply apologized...that he did carry it a little too far...you wiped your tears off...as Costa gave you a big hug and said he didn't want to participate in it...but Criss and JD ganged up on him...and mama D didn't know anything about it...until just before you walked into the store.

You looked right at Criss and said well here's one for you...I was pregnant...but not anymore...because you aborted it...because you weren't ready for kids...then you kissed him on the cheek and handed him the hospital abortion papers...then walked out of the room...knowing that you were going to get the last laugh in...for you were pregnant but you had your doctor make up phony abortion papers for you...because you knew Criss has been wanting a baby with you so very badly...Criss looked at the papers and ran after you...and it was his turn to hurt and cry a little bit.

He turned you around and asked you if you really killed yours and his baby...you acted very bold and said you just weren't ready to take care of a baby...he kept dragging behind you and saying you didn't...that you would never kill something that you and he made together with the love you and he shared...he was crying up a storm...all the way until you made it back home...then you grabbed a few clothes and put them in a bag...and headed back to the front door...and said you were leaving him...that he just wasn't the man you thought he was...he ran to the porch and dropped down and begged you to stay...you reached the bottom of the stairs and stood there like a statue for five minutes then you turned around and ran back up the stairs and said you forgot something.

Criss grabbed your hand, but before he could say another word...you began to laugh uncontrollably...and finally in between the laughs...you said APRIL FOOLS!...Criss looked up blankly at you and said that was so not funny!!...then he grabbed you and took you to the bedroom and tossed you playfully on the bed...wanting to rough house with you...but you did stop him and told him that you were seriously pregnant with his son though...he asked you if you were joking some more...but you showed him a real doctors pregnancy test, and it was positive...he was happy as hell, and drowned you in kisses and told you he loved you so much...and that you and he would never do April fools on each other again...you told him that was a good answer...for you have always hated April Fools Day more than anything...

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora