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Criss Angel was taken hostage by a group of people and kept under lock and key while their doppelganger replaced him. As soon as he got to the Luxor he made dramatic changes, and took all of his money out of all his accounts, and put them into an offshore account while still doing a few magic shows at night, but when you and your friends went to see his performance you noticed right away that there was something very wrong with this guy, and that he wasn't Criss, because you were very close friends with him, and he was acting nothing like the real Criss.

He was ignoring his Loyals, your friends thought you were just overreacting and Criss was just different because he was very tired from all the work he did, and just needed a break. But you knew better because he wasn't even doing his performances right, and the magic that he was doing was like he never done it before and he was an amateur magician. Even though he did look identical to the real Criss, you knew he wasn't, and you knew you were going to get to the bottom of it, because if he was there trying to be Criss, where was your real Angel? And how could you find him to rescue him?

After the show, you got to meet up with the fake Criss, and you appealed to his sexuality trying to get him drunk enough to get him to answer you...and it worked like a charm, as soon as he was plastered, you checked him over and he didn't have any of the scars from his death-defying stunts that the real Criss had, and he didn't have his CA logo on his arm, and that was almost impossible to remove. You were in the suite, riffling thru his luggage trying to find out anything about the imposter, and after hours of work...bingo! You found it! His name was Rick Connely, and he according to his bank book and passport he had a lot of money recently transferred...you took a close look and realized that he stold all of Criss's money!

You quickly took the information so he couldn't rob Criss, then she very carefully checked thru his pockets, trying to find anything about where your real Angel could be. You found a crumpled piece of paper in his front pocket and quickly put it in yours and ran out of the room before he could wake up. You looked at the paper that said 3422 Bolles Harbor Street, which was the bad side of the city. You knew you had to check it out because Criss could be in very bad trouble. And you were to wrapped up into playing hero to go to the police...plus you were afraid if you did, they might kill him as soon as they hear the sirens in the area.

It took you half an hour in the taxi to get to the address then you searched the numbers on each building until you found the right one. the 4 and last 2 was missing off the address, but it was the right place. You peeked thru one of the broken windows and looked all around until you found Criss unconscious in some kind of animal cage...you slowly went in while looking all around to make sure no one else was there you pulled out your fingernail file and slowly began to pick the lock on the cage. After your third time, you got it and you very gently opened the door, and went in and pulled Criss up in your lap and tried to wake him up and asking him if he was ok. 

Criss slowly came around and sat up very quickly and remembered you from his shows, and gave you a massive hug and kiss as he thanked you for coming to his rescue. You pulled him out of the cage and told him that he needed to get out of there before they came back. Criss smiled at you and said he totally agreed with that. Then you both ran down the street far away from that building as possible. Criss saw his face on one of the taxi's and gave a loud whistle, the car stopped instantly and took you both back to the Luxor. As soon as you got there you took Criss to the room where the passed out doppelganger was and showed him all the papers and information, that he stold from him, that she managed to get back before Criss could lose everything.

Criss called the police as you both waited for them to press charges on the guy, and on the ones that took him hostage. Which the doppelganger was all too eager to tell them who they were when he heard the sentencing he would get if he didn't spill the beans. So he shortened his sentence by cooperating. And Criss thanked you personally for not only saving his money but for saving his very life...and in return he decided that the ultimate thanks would be to share the rest of his life with you...for you believing in him for so long, and loving him to no end.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora