~IMAGINE 45~(pt 2 of Imagine 44)

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You and Kc were up early that morning very excited about the date with two very awesome guys...Kc was all over the room acting like a chicken with its head cut off...because she lost her Celldweller necklace...but you knew exactly where she left it...but just enjoyed watching your best friend get all silly and crawling around constantly blowing her long hair away from her face looking for it...when she finally got to where you were...you smiled at her and dangled it by her head...she blew her hair away from her face and thanked you as she quickly put it on...

You were sitting there waiting already dressed for the fun date, but deep down you couldn't help but feel bad about remembering what you lost back home...Kc finally got finished and grabbed your arm and playfully pulled you out the door...to meet up with Criss and Klayton Scott!! down in his store...so they could take you both out for a really nice time...Criss was waiting for you both in his store sitting on the sofa...but Klayton was waiting for Kc to come in so he could scare the hell out of her...it always made the greatest first impressions on girls that he was going out with...plus he was just silly that way...Criss pointed Kc out to him...so he'd get the right one...then waited for his opportune moment.

You went in first, and Criss slid over for you to sit next to him...Kc was admiring the well outside the store for a moment before going in...she walked in and Klayton jumped out from behind the Mindfreak Mannequin and scared the hell out of her...after she slapped the shit out of him...he smiled at her and introduced himself to her...she couldn't hate him though...because she loved him...Criss hopped up and asked what you both wanted to do...Kc gave Klayton a kiss on the cheek then ran over to Criss and said she needed to talk to him...then asked you to sit with Klayton and keep him company until she got back.

Kc pulled Criss into the back room and told him the whole story about you and what happened to you back home...and that she would like him to help her maybe with a little Mindfreak Magic...Criss gave Kc a kiss on the forehead and said he knew just the thing to do for you. Criss went back out and placed your hand in his and asked you to breath very slowly in thru your nose and out thru your mouth...that he wanted to try something with you...you played along thinking he was just being the typical Criss always wanting to show off and impress the ladies...but he was secretly going to help you...after you did what he told you...he had you in his trance...and he gave you a hypnotic suggestion, and said when you awaken...you will not remember anything about what happened to you...then he said he was going to count to three, and when you heard him snap his fingers you would awaken, and be very happy, and ready to go have fun with your very hot date.

Criss snapped his fingers and asked how you felt...you smiled up at him and said you felt amazing and very ready for dinner...Klayton went up behind Kc and he lifted her off the ground and told her she was magically levitating to his car...then they were both going to disappear for a while...Criss laughed at his silly ass brother and told him he wasn't very good at magic...Klayton stuck his tongue out and told him to leave him alone...that he was an amateur...but loved holding her, anyways...they went to the restaurant and had a very romantic and loving double dinner date...then they went to Curves to dance off the food they ate...

Criss and Klayton were getting very close to their new beautiful dates...Criss moved in very close to you, and told you that he would never let anything happen to you...that he was going to make it his personal business of protecting you and keeping you safe from now on...then he kissed you on the tip of your nose as he dipped you for the grand finale of the dance...you and Criss both looked further down the dance stage...and saw Klayton and Kc dancing very hotly...with a little dirty dancing in between...which made you and Criss both snicker...but Criss had to admit...they both looked perfect together...and they definitely knew how to dance.

After the date was over...the real dating started...Klayton took Kc to his place and showed her all his musical toys and how they worked...Where they both did a little private dancing of their own...while Criss had you up in his suite and introduced you to his son Hammie...but as the night got later...you fell asleep on his shoulder...while watching tv...and he lifted you gently and carried you into his bedroom where he stripped down into his pj bottoms and curled up beside you and wrapped his arm around you and fell asleep.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now