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You were 19 years old, and your little brother was 7 years old...you both were huge Mindfreak fans...in for very different reasons...you loved his magic and thought he was the sexiest guy on the planet...and your little brother just loved his magic...you and he were walking around the streets of Las Vegas hoping that you'd get a slight chance to see him coming or going from the Meet n Greet he was hosting...for all of his fans that could afford to enter...but unfortunately you and your brother never had any money...and your strict parents would tell you it was a waste of money to do stupid stuff like that...but it never hurt for you two to window shop...and maybe get a free peek.

The time came for the Greet to start...because all the people began to crowd each other out...trying to get into the building first...ranting and raving...then a black Rolls-Royce special edition pulled up and Criss Angel flowed out of the car. Your heart stopped when you gazed upon his beauty...your little brother wanted to get a picture with him...but you told him you didn't have any money...Criss was talking to the reporters telling them off...because they were really starting to piss him off talking about his love life to the world...he ripped his sunglasses off and looked right into their camera's and told them all it was none of their damn business who he did and didn't fuck around with...then he ignored them for the rest of the time...and paid attention to his fans.

Your brother in all the craziness decided to take a wild dive for Criss and actually landed right in his lap...just as he sat down in his chair for the Meet n Greet. Criss looked down at him, and said he knew he had a lot of fans...but he never had one fall for him like that...your brother looked up at Criss and said he was a huge fan of his...and so was his older sister...then without thinking he said that you thought he was a stone fox...you weren't even looking at him directly and you felt your face ignite into blushing flames...but your heart stopped when your brother pointed up to you so Criss could see you...he looked up at you...and gave you a smile and asked you to come down...you jumped down off and went over to where Criss was sitting...he touched your hand and asked for your name...after you told him...and he took pictures with both of you...and gave you a few autographed accessories...but before you left...he asked you to wait for him to get done...because he would really like to get to know you better...you smiled at him and said that would be awesome...your brother did a crazy dance thinking that Criss Angel was going to end up being his big brother...you pushed your brothers hat over his eyes...and told him not likely...little did you know...but exactly 2 years later Criss Angel was walking with you down the wedding aisle...and you and your brother were the happiest of all knowing that you both were truly a part of the Mindfreak family...

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang