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You are a huge Criss Angel Loyal...& you just gotten word that he was heading to your city to perform for three nights only!! But the cost of a ticket was $130 & there was no way you could come up with that much money before he got there...

You tried getting odd jobs with your neighbors...but they already hired another kid to do the job...after wasting all day searching for a way to make the money... & came up with nothing you were so depressed you went to bed without eating...

The next morning you headed out the door to try your luck again in finding a way to make the money...you were walking down the sidewalk when you noticed The Mindfreak Bus in the Parks driveway setting up for his spectacular show...

You just stood there in amazement until from the corner of your eye you saw a little toddler chasing a red balloon in the road...you looked ahead of him and saw a truck blazing down the road at high speed...you knew that driver would never be able to stop in time...

You run toward the road hollering to the boy...just as you reach him his father sees you push his son to safety...as the corner of the truck hits you...he runs over to you and pulls you out of the road so you don't get hit again...then grabs his crying son...& dials 911.

The next thing you see when you wake up...is the little boy sitting in the hospital bed with you looking deep into your eyes...as he calls out to his daddy...telling him that you were wakey...

You touch the boys face and tell him that you were so glad you made it to him in time...when you look up to see the boys father... You lay there in shock...Criss Angel was the boys daddy!!

Criss leans over you and kisses you as he thanks you for saving his lil man...that he would have been lost without him...you blush as you thank him for the kiss...and tell him that you didn't have a choice...in the matter...that his life was more important than yours was...then you touched Johnny's cheek again as you told him he was a cutie pie and twice as sweet.

Criss asked you if you'd like to be his special guest during his show...because he wanted to dedicate it to you...for saving Johnny...after you got to see his show...and he was getting ready to leave...he and Johnny both come up to you and asks you if you would give them the honor of your company for the rest of the tour...because Criss said he really wanted to get to know you better...which was your dreams we're all coming true at the same time!!! You told them both that you'd love too!! After his tour was over with 6 months later....Criss married you...& lil Johnny became your adopted son...& you lived happily ever after.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now