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This Imagine is for KimberlyHirst

You just got out of a bad relationship...& wanted to forget it...so you went on a personal vacation to Las Vegas. Where you visit a good celebrity friend of yours Criss Angel...he was always happy to see you...and he helped you quickly forget everything...by all the fun he put you thru.

You didn't know that your insane ex boyfriend followed you...and was watching you and Criss very closely with his eyes dark green with utter jealousy...he followed you everywhere just out of sight...waiting for the right moment to grab you...and takeoff with you...because if he couldn't have you...than no other could have you either.

Criss was with a few fans signing autographs...when you came out of the bathroom...where your ex grabbed you...and tried desperately to get you away...as you struggled and screamed...Criss noticed and quickly came to your rescue...and beat the hell out of him...then carried you to the safety of his suite...then after he calmed you down...he called the police and had your ex hauled away...and assured you that he would never hurt you again...that he would always be there for you.

Time went on and your relationship with Criss blossomed...and every minute with him was full of love and so very magical. But your vacation was coming to an end...and you had to go back home...but Criss got your phone number...and said if you ever needed him for anything...all you had to call him...and he'd be there for you...he took the time off work to take you to the airport...and before you boarded...he hugged and kissed you and told you he loved you...and that he couldn't wait for your next visit...then put his fingers up against his ear playfully...and told you to call him.

As you got into your seat...you looked out the window...and waved down at Criss...and watched as he stayed right there until your plane left...you closed your eyes knowing how much you'd miss him...but you would definitely see him again...and now you had his number so you could talk to him whenever you wanted or needed to.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now