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You were at the park along with several other people getting ready to witness the most spectacular scene ever...the solar eclipse...you had your special glasses so you wouldn't hurt your eyes...you thought you were going to view this spectacular event alone...but you were suddenly ran into by an adorable little boy wearing his glasses trying to look at his feet...but couldn't see...when he landed on his tushie...his glasses fell off...then he looked up at you and gave you a cute grin...and said sorry...you knelt down and checked him over to make sure he was alright...then you grabbed his glasses and handed them to him.

Just as you about to ask him for his name an extremely handsome and very nice man came over and picked him up and asked you if his little man was causing you any trouble...you smiled up at him and said not at all...Johnny giggled as his daddy plopped him over his shoulder and asked if you were going to watch the event alone...you gave a little sigh and said yep...that you do everything alone...he held out his hand and said his name was Criss, and his little monkey was Johnny...then he sat down on the blanket beside you and asked to join you during the total solar eclipse. You brightened up and told him that you'd love to share the event with him.

Within the next few moments the sky began to darken...as the moon started to cover the sun...you Criss and Johnny put on the glasses and all looked up at the same time to watch as the sun slowly began to be completely covered by the moon...once it was fully eclipted Criss reached over and put his hand around yours...and gave it a slight loving squeeze. After the moment was over and the sun began to pop out on the far side of the moon as it passed...the sky seemed to be more clear...and the sun more bright...it was the most remarkable experience you had ever witnessed...Criss smiled over at you and gave you a kiss on the cheek and thanked you for sharing this special moment with him and his son...

As Criss lifted Johnny on his shoulder...he handed you a piece of paper with his address and phone number on it...then underneath it...he wrote on it that he would really like to see you tonite...for a romantic dinner for two...as soon as he got his magic munchkin to sleep...and his mom to babysit him until he got back. You looked over at him and gave him a smile that he quickly noticed as a yes to his question...then he and Johnny both gave you a wave...and you rushed home to find the right apparel to wear for the ultimate date with The Mindfreak that you had tonight.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now