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You were sitting in the hospital's waiting room wondering if your sister was going to have another breach during her delivery...when you noticed a very handsome man sitting in the chair against the wall looking very sad with his head leaning on his hands...with a few tears trailing down his face...you get up to get a cup of water...then you move over and sit down beside him and offer him a drink...he slowly looks up at you and gives you a slight smile as he accepts the drink...you stay silent for a little while as he was drinking...then you ask him if he was alright.

He finished the water, then he leaned back in the chair and tells you that his brother was in a car accident and they weren't sure of his condition yet...and no one around seems to have any answers or know anything...and him being there alone was tearing him up...that his mom and other brother wouldn't be here until tomorrow sometime...and his girlfriend dumped him when he needed her the most to be with some Vegas male stripper/model...of all people to dump him for. You gently placed your hand on his...and told him that it was definitely her loss...that any girl would be truly blessed to have a loving and handsome man by their side.

He gave you a warm and tender smile and thanked you...your sister's doctor came out and said that her delivery was successful and that she and her husband both were resting peacefully after his fainting spell he had as soon as the blood spurted out...you giggled a little bit at the thought knowing that your brother-in-law was very squeamish and kind of a wussy...but you loved him anyway...and he was very good to your sister...you were getting ready to head home after hearing the news...but instead you sat back down and offered to stay with him for company and maybe a little moral support if he wanted it from a stranger.

He looked up at you and took your hand in his and said his name was Criss...you told him your name then sat down again...as he said now he was getting support from his friend...even after you met your newborn niece the next day...and held her for a while...then just to comfort Criss you handed her to him to hold. He smiled down at her then gave her a little kiss on the forehead...then handed her back to her mommy...and thanked you with his eyes. Your sister asked you if you were coming to the house with them...but you said you were going to stick around longer...your sister saw your eyes pointing over to Criss...and she pressed her lips together in understandment...then told her hubby to take her and their little angel home.

You sat down with Criss and asked him if he could use a little something to eat...after  hearing his stomach grumbling...he said he was...but he wasn't at the same time...you reached over and gave him a light kiss on the cheek and told him that it was just him worrying about his brother...but he needed to eat something...that starving himself wasn't going to help his brother any...then you hopped up and told him you'd be right back...thirty minutes later you came back with two subway sandwiches...and a couple fountain drinks. Criss was a lot hungrier than he thought...but as he was eating with you...he told you that the doctor came while you were gone...and told him that he was going to be just fine...now that his system was accepting the medication...he was going to be hurting with three busted ribs, and a busted leg...and a mild concussion...but they thoroughly looked him over and he didn't have any internal bleeding like they thought.

You gave him a hug...and told him how wonderful the news was...he kissed you and thanked you for sticking with him...you told him that under the sad circumstances...you enjoyed every minute with him. Criss's family finally got their and surrounded him asking him all kinds of questions...so you slid out and headed toward the door to go home...when he came running out of the hospital after you and handed you his phone number and asked you to call him in a few days...you turned his hand over and with your pen wrote your number on it...and told him to call you a little sooner...then you blew a kiss to him and hopped in your car and went back home.

Two days later you were holding your niece feeding her...when your cell phone went off, when you answered it...Criss asked you if you were ready to go out with him...because he was so ready for it...you told him with a giggle that you were always ready...just as you put your phone down and handed your niece to her daddy...Criss was standing in the doorway with a huge bouquet of roses and a million watt smile on his face...Criss took you out to a very nice dinner, then told you that his brother was doing excellent...and in a couple more days he could go home...you tried to tell him how great that was...but he interrupted you and asked if you would go home with him...you slowly placed your hand into his...and said...yes.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now