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You were walking through Sunset Park, one day when a very friendly German Shepard came up to you limping on his front paw...you loved all animals...and when you knelt down to take a look at his foot...it was all bloody...and swollen...you didn't see a collar or ID tag on him anywhere...so you decided to take him home with you...which he was very excited to do...beens you were the first one to actually pay him any attention from the park.

You were a Vet's assistant, so you knew how to properly fix his foot...so you didn't need to take him to the vet...you posted poster's of the dog you found, hoping that the owner would give you a call...weeks went by, and no one answered your flyers...and you fell in love with the lovable older dog...and decided to keep him...You and he made an uncommonly strong bond...and became inseparable. 

After a month of having him...your best friend Rachel came over and showed you a picture on Twitter, and said that she found the owner of your dog...when she showed you that the dog was a real celebrity's pet...and that he was really missing him badly...your heart dropped knowing that you had to give your friend back to his owner...especially when you found out that the real owner was none other than your hero...Criss Angel...but you were definitely going to miss him...after you read more on the twitter page, you found out that your fuzzy friend's name was Oso.

Rachel offered to go with you, for moral support, knowing that you were going to be sad to give him back...you thanked her and said you would probably need her with you after giving him back to his rightful daddy...you put Oso's harness on you bought for him, and his new leash...then you told him if he wanted to go bye bye with you...his tail began to wag ferociously...as he whined and let out a satisfying bark...you loaded him up in the back seat of your car...then you handed Rachel the keys...for she said she'd drive you there.

The closer you got to the final destination...the tighter your chest got...and when Rachel pulled up in Serenity's driveway...your tears began to pour...but when you saw how excited Oso was for knowing he was home...you let his happiness take most of your pain and loss away...Criss Angel walked out of his front door, looking at your car wondering who was visiting him unexpectedly this time...you got out of the car and was greeted instantly by his other dogs Chicklet, Teddy, and Spike...and without saying one word...you opened up the back door, and grabbed the leash as Oso jumped out...and ran straight to his daddy...and jumped up in his arms...Oso was acting like a young puppy again.

Criss knelt down and wrapped his arms around his best friend and cried a little bit as he kissed Oso's nose and told him how much he's missed his ole man...you let go of the leash and went headed back to the passenger side of the car...but Criss stopped you and gave you a big squeeze and thanked you for bringing his boy back home safely...you told him how you found him, and what condition he was in...and when you didn't get an answer from your fliers...you decided to keep him...and when Rachel showed you the Twitter message...part of you didn't want to answer it...because you fell in love with him. Criss kissed you on the cheek and said you were welcome to his home anytime to spend time with him...you thanked him...but when you got in the car...Oso went nuts and began to bark frantically and circling the car...Criss never saw him act like that before...Criss tapped on your window and asked you to get out again.

You crawled out of the car, and Oso calmed down instantly and laid down in between your feet and Criss's...you dropped down and said that you loved him too, as you rubbed his ears...but you had to go back home...and he had to stay with his daddy...but you'd come back to visit him...you got in the car again...and again Oso surrounded the car so it couldn't leave the driveway...Criss smiled and said he had you completely surrounded...and under no circumstances was he going to let you leave him behind...you looked out the window and told Criss to take his boy inside so you and Rachel could leave.

Criss came to the window and poked his head in, and said he had a better idea...then he opened your door and escorted you and Rachel into his house along with all his four-legged fur babies...and offered to share his home with you for the weekend...that way while he was on his vacation he wouldn't be alone...and Oso would be happy, knowing that not only was he home...but he had both of his loving family with him. You and Rachel were on his offer like Donkey Kong...for you both always wanted to see the inside of his breathtaking and magical castle-like home.

After being around Criss for a few months he became very interested in you, and decided to be your boyfriend...that way he could be happy...and he could keep Oso happy at the same time...not to mention both of them making you extremely happy.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang