~IMAGINE 72~(pt 2 of Imagine 71)

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You eagerly handed him the ticket and he ripped it in half and gave you half of it back...and told you to hold onto it...that way he would remember you by the ticket...you grabbed your phone and quickly asked for a photo with him...he smiled at you and took one then told you where to be seated. Once you got into your seat...you noticed that the girl from the plane was two chairs down from you...wearing a very skimpy outfit showing it all...along with her tattoos...you removed your duster and showed off your dress...and loyal attire...and sat down...her eyes popped out when she saw the dress asked where she could get one...you told her that you made it yourself...and was one of a kind.

The crowds poured in the theater...and the lights began to dim...the music started up...then a few explosions burst and red, green, and blue laser lights filled the stage...and Criss appeared...and the show began...it was the most spectacular thing you ever witnessed...you never wanted his world of Illusion to end!!...but 2 hours later, the lights went back on and Criss told everyone thank you and good night!..the crowd dispersed and you went to John and showed him your ticket...and again that girl was right next to you...only her eyes bulged a little bit as she saw you were going to meet him personally!!

John escorted you to the back stage...and like magic there he was!! standing right in front of you with his towel around his neck...with no shirt on...and looking right at you with a big smile as his eyes looked you over very good up and down. You slowly approached him when he held out his hand to you...after your hand securely made it into his...you found out that you were going to be faint instead of frozen, or all over him...which was the best one of the three apparently...because he quickly picked you up and carried you into his changing room...and sat you on the couch and got you some water.

After you drank a little sip...you thanked him...he sat down next to you and really complimented you on your dress...and how stunning you looked...then he autographed a few things for you...and took some pictures with you...then you ended up telling him how long you've waited for this moment...and that you never wanted it to end...Criss was sort of listening to you...but was rather hooked on checking your body out...then as you were getting ready to leave...he takes your hand and asks you if you'd like to hang with him tonight...your heart skips a few beats as you just realized that Criss Angel was totally hitting on you!!...and there was no way you were going to say no to him!!...but you couldn't say yes either...so you just shook your head yes to him...because Criss had your tongue so to speak.

Criss wraps his arm around your waste...and walks you thru the Luxor...then grabs a quick bite to eat for you both...and heads to his personal elevator that goes up to his presidential suite...that girl from the plane watched as Criss was leading you to his room and turned green eyed jealous...and stormed out of the Mindfreak store...but you didn't notice her...you were too busy looking at the eye candy that was leading you to his room...after he pulled you in his room he introduced you to Hammie...then sat down next to you and handed you some food...you both ate rather quickly...then Criss went to the fridge and offered you some wine...as soon as you finished the drink...he moved in close to you and placed his hand on your knee...then leaned in to kiss you...after the first spark...your insecurity flew out of you...and all you wanted was all he wanted to offer...

After Criss toyed with you for a while...he gently lifted you up as you wrapped your legs around his waist...and he carried you into his bedroom...where he very slowly slid your dress off...now that he was out of his shirt...and had his low cut leather jeans unbuttoned and unzipped...then you sat on the bed and removed your sandals as he kicked his boots and socks off...then you slid in the bed under the covers...when he came out of the bathroom he was out of everything, accept his black spandex type sleeping shorts.

He slid in beside you and began trailing his hands up and down your body...which made you move in closer to him...moments later he was intimate with you...you were looking up at the ceiling in pure ecstasy as he was making ultimate love to you...after thinking it was never going to stop...he finally playfully collapsed on top of you and drowned you in kisses...you wrapped your arms tightly around his neck...as he was going to sleep from complete exhausting satisfaction...you whispered in his ear that you loved him...then played in his hair for a while until you to fell into a mesmerizing sleep with your Greek Houdini laying on top of you.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now