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During a one night stand with Criss Angel you were magically informed 8 months later that you were pregnant, when he was welcomed to the world...he was the sweetest thing you ever saw...you wanted to go tell Criss that he had a son...but he was married to Shaunyl at the time and that she had just given him a son as well...so you decided to stay in the shadows and raise him on your own...it wasn't until your son Sonny Nicolas was two years old, that you found out that Criss divorced Shaunyl and was single again.

So you decided to take Sonny to Vegas with you so he could finally meet his daddy...but on the inside, you were a nervous wreck...for you wasn't sure if Criss would even believe you or not...but you had to try for Sonny's sake. After the long flight to Vegas...you carried your sleepy little man to the Luxor hotel and got yourself a room. You decided not to be in a hurry about letting Criss know...so you laid down next to your son and took a nap too. Sonny woke you up looking through the suitcases...for he couldn't find his stuffed bunny. You got up and helped him hunt for it...then you remembered that you had stuffed it in your purse before getting off the plane...for Sonny had dropped it while he was sleeping.

You gave him a kiss and asked him if he'd like to go find daddy now or grab something to eat first then go meet daddy for the first time...Sonny was a little nervous in meeting his daddy...but you always pointed him out to him from the Mindfreak shows you had on Dvd...it was so cute everytime you put it on...Sonny would sing his daddy's song then he'd touch his daddy's face on the screen and kiss it...and tell you that it was his daddy...but now that Sonny realized that he was going to meet him for real...he was afraid that his daddy wouldn't like him.

As you and Sonny were walking through the lobby with his stuffed bunny tightly lodged under his arms...you were heading to the Pyramid diner...to grab a little bite to eat...but Sonny saw his daddy's face on posters and billboards all through the lobby...that he squealed in delight and pointed all over and said, that daddy...you just had to smile at your adorable little man...you ordered your lunch and split it with Sonny...then you bought him a grape juice squeezebox...before you left the diner.

Then just before you were getting ready to pick Sonny up and take him back to the hotel room...he pointed by the elevators and whispered daddy in your ear...you looked up and said yes, Sonny that was him...you got a little nervous...but said might as well...while he was in eyeshot...you followed Criss until he went into the Mindfreak store...then you sat Sonny on the couch and told him to stay there...as you followed Criss to the back room where some of his stock was...he looked at you and asked if he could help you.

You asked him if he remembered you at all...he looked at you and said yes he did remember you very well, that's why he asked if he could help you with something...you pulled out your wallet as you told him you sure hoped so...when you handed him the picture...he looked at it and asked you very quickly...how you got a picture of his son Johnny...you told him to take a closer look at the picture...he did and asked you that same question again...you told him that it wasn't his son Johnny....that is was his...other son....Sonny Nicolas. He looked at you and sat on a large box of inventory for the store...and said that wasn't possible...for he looked identical to Johnny.

You didn't wait around the bush for anything...and quickly asked him if he wanted to meet his son...and if he didn't want to be a part of Sonny's life to let you know...so you could take him away before he saw him...Criss looked at you and asked if Sonny knew who he was...and you told him that ever since Sonny was old enough to understand...you told him that he was his daddy...Criss looked around you and asked you if he was here right now...you gave him a tiny smile and said he was in this store sitting on his couch just in the other room...Criss quickly slid around you and looked out the door...and noticed JD and Costa standing around him...asking him where Shaunyl and Criss was...thinking that he was Johnny...he just looked at them blankly, for he never really saw them before.

You came out and Sonny ran off the couch and jumped into your arms screeching mommy loudly...JD and Costa looked at you and vaguely remembered you from the hot date you had with Criss along time ago...but their jaws dropped when they realized that he wasn't Johnny...Criss came out and slowly approached you holding Sonny...Sonny looked at Criss then hid his head under your arm...Criss smiled and began talking to him...and Sonny turned around a gave him a wide smile but curled under your chin...Criss knelt down and asked Sonny if he'd come to him...you sat him on the floor and told him that it was ok...that daddy like him.

Sonny scampered up to Criss and very slowly went into his arms...Criss lifted him up and gave him a kiss on the cheek, and held him close to him...and said how much he looked like him when he was a toddler...then added that he and Johnny could be easily mistaken for identical twins...JD and Costa took turns in holding him and said it was frigging uncanny at how much he looked like Johnny...Criss grabbed you and asked you if you would be staying around...so he could get to know his son, and get to know you again...you smiled and breathed out a little relieved to hear him say that...and said that's what you were wishing he'd want...Criss smiled at you and said he wouldn't want anything else more.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt