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You were at a party with your girlfriends, and while you were drinking, and having a good time, you and your friends began to playfully make dares with each other, but unfortunate for you, you lost miserably. The dare your friends gave you was very embarrassing to you...which was the very next guy that came in the doors you had to go up to and lay a kiss on them, which you didn't think that would be too bad, until one of your friends added open mouth kiss to it, you lowered your head and said shit under your breath...but a dare was a dare and you did lose, so what choice did you have...if you backed out, you were a loser. You just really hoped that the next guy that came in was good looking, and didn't have any sicknesses.

A few hours went by and you and your friends were watching the front entrance like a bunch of hawks waiting to strike on the first mouse they were seen...after a while, you got tired of waiting and went back to partying with some of your friends. They heard the bell chime from the door opening and they all looked to see who you would have to kiss, but, they were all chicks so they turned away and went back to having more fun. It wasn't until around 2:00 in the morning when some of your friends were ready to leave and sleep it off, when two very sexy and famous celebrities walked into the club to do some late night/early morning partying, but by the way they looked they were almost as plastered as you were.

You looked at your friends and asked them which one did you have to kiss, because they both came in at the same time, and they were both sexy as hell. Your friends both had a hint of jealousy hit them, as they wished they were the ones that lost the dare instead of you...so instead of waiting for them to choose one, you went up to both of them and kissed the sexy mohawked guy first then you went to the second one and gave him a whopping kiss, then told them thanks for their cooperation then you walked back to the bar and finished your martini, not expecting them to do anything about it...but you must have struck a good chord with them both, because they wanted you to dance with both of them. It was rather adorable watching them playfully fight over you, but you were eating it up like candy.

Your friends got jealous and walked out and headed to a different club hoping that they could find the same luck as you. You partied and danced with them until you could barely move anymore, or take one more drink without you eyeballs floating out of your skull. You jokingly told neither of them to light a match around your blood right now. They both laughed with you as they walked you out of the club wanting you to go home with them, but they were going separate ways and pulling you in two different directions as you were laughing your ass off telling them it was going to be a little tricky going home with both of them...Criss looked at Stoney and told him that his house was bigger and better. Stoney told Criss that his house was closer and had a large waterbed.

Criss spun on a dime and followed Stoney and you to his house...and your night started out to be dull and lonely other than drinking with your friends, and now you were having a relationship with two sexy guys at the same time, on a waterbed, which was a totally new and sexually creative experience that you've had...but it was even better when you woke up the next morning with both of them wrapped and snuggled around you wearing nothing but their skivvies. They were so sexy in their morning hair. You just hoped neither of them wanted you to choose between them, because it would be impossible to...You loved them both!

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now