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This Imagine Is For Rachel Pendergast for her birthday!! Loyal Love to U!!

It was your best friend Rachel's birthday...and you wanted to surprise her...with the ultimate birthday present...you tried thinking about what to get for her...but all of her other friends already had all the greatest gifts already gotten for her...you were at work on the skeleton shift...when Criss Angel walked in with his cat Hammie and his little boy Johnny...asking you if you could give Hammie his monthly checkup...that he was acting a little odd lately...after you stopped drooling a little bit on how gorgeous he was...and how sweet and adorable his little boy was...he was as cute as a bug's ear.

You took Hammie to the room and gave him a thorough checkup...and came out half an hour later telling Criss, that his little fur baby was acting up...because he had a bad tooth...that needed to be removed...Johnny started crying, but Criss picked him up and told him that Hammie would be asleep while his tooth was pulled...and he would be just fine...you took the candy jar from the desk, and put it down where Johnny could reach it...Johnny dove his hand into the jar...but Criss reminded him about his manners...and dropped all of them except for two...but before he took his hand out of the jar...he looked up at Criss and asked him if he could have two.

You looked down at him and said he could have two...Criss smiled and told him to go sit down and eat his candy...while he went into the back room to watch you remove Hammie's tooth...after all was done...and Hammie was beginning to wake up...Criss paid you and thanked you very much for helping him...you told him it was a pleasure...then out of the blue, you ask him if he would be available to come with you after work...to surprise your best friend for her birthday...for she loved him as much as you did...Criss thought about it, and said that he'd be honored too...then added that he'd even bring a few tricks with him...after of course he took his son and his furbaby home for grammie to watch until he got back.

You gave him a quick hug and thanked him so much!! Then you gave Johnny a smile and a wave and told him bye...and that it was nice meeting such a sweet little man...he grinned from ear to ear...and waved...because his mouth was full of his candy...Criss got into the car after buckling Johnny up...then asked if he could bring a friend with him to the party...you said that would be awesome and very fine...you quickly tossed him a piece of paper with your friends address on it...and said the party started at 7:00...he gave you his warm smile and said he'd be there.

All of Rachel's other friends showed up and drowned her with awesome gifts...when you came over to her house and didn't have a gift to hand her...everyone just looked at you like you weren't a very good friend...but you told Rachel that your present would be coming very soon...and sure enough after she opened all of her other gifts which were very nice...but you knew your present was going to be the best...Criss pulled up in his black lambo...and hopped out and looked at the address on the house...and said this was it...then Klayton Scott hopped out of the passenger seat and followed him around back where the party was.

Everyone's jaws dropped as soon as they saw two famous celebrities come to the back yard...and walked right up to you...as they both kissed your cheek...you took both of them by their hands and told Rachel that her birthday present from you was here!! Rachel jumped up and down very excitedly and hugged Criss a million times in a matter of minutes...then she hugged Klayton, even though she didn't really know him that much...but being around Criss Angel he had to be famous too...but you sure knew who he was...for you were a true blue Celldroid...aka loyal Celldweller fan...but you were also a Mindfreak Loyal...Criss performed a two-hour show for Rachel's party...then he personally danced with her while Klayton was strumming away on the keyboards making very awesome tunes...with you standing in front of him...for you had to admit you were connecting pretty good with Mr. Scott...and while Criss was Dancing with Rachel...he was really bonding with her...for he told her about Johnny and what happened with his ex-wife...and before the party was over...Criss was asking her to come out and spend time with him at the Luxor...and get to know Johnny.

Rachel was speechless!!...Criss Angel was interested in having a relationship with her...but you was too busy making a relationship status with Klayton to notice...until after they both left...then you both told each other that you had a new boyfriend!!...then Rachel hugged you and thanked you for the greatest birthday gift ever!!...You told her it was nothing...that you rather enjoyed it a lot yourself...for now you were officially Klayton Scott's property...which made you ecstatic...and Rachel was soon to be the Mindfreaks...all in all you were damn pleased with yourself for making your best friends birthday a great one!!

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