~IMAGINE 6~(pt 2 of Imagine 5)

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You and Sonny have been staying with Criss at Serenity know for almost 5 weeks now...and Criss has never been happier, having another son that he could actually be with all the time, instead of just seeing Johnny maybe twice a year...and he was really reconnecting with you again...and wanting you to continue to stay with him, and let him adopt his son...you were so happy to see your two boys so close...but you were secretly wondering if it was truly possible to have a life with Criss Angel, knowing how much in demand he was...with all the rich and sexy celebrity type ladies all wanting a piece of him...there was no way you could ever compete with them.

Criss surprised you with a promise ring though and said he really wanted to give this family thing a real shot...so you humored him and accepted the ring...but you were still very insecure about it in your heart...but there was no doubt about it...Criss loved his little Sonny-boy as he would call him...that and his mini-me...it wasn't until a week later, as you all were strolling through Sunset Park, with Criss holding Sonny tightly in his arms...and Sonny had his bunny in his arms...when Shaunyl called to Criss from the far side of the park...he quickly kissed Sonny and told him to go with mommy to the car...then he ran over to where Shaunyl was and asked her what she was doing there...then thought the worst and asked if it was Johhny...she told him that Johnny was fine...but she stopped here to see if he would like to take care of Johnny for a couple weeks while she flew to Hawaii to do a modeling session she had to do. Criss said he always loved to see his son...then she called to her new boyfriend Lucas, and told him to turn Johnny loose...right when Johnny saw Criss he ran into his arms screaming out daddy!!

Sonny looked over your shoulder to see what the shouting was all about, and saw another little boy calling his dad...daddy...then when he saw Shaunyl hugging them both, and Sonny began to cry...for he didn't understand why some other boy was taking his daddy away...you tried to calm his down and explain...but he was his father's son...one-track mind, and bullheaded...you placed him in the car with his bunny and told him to stay there and you would be right back...you walked up to Criss and whispered in his ear about Sonny, and he asked Shaunyl to take Johnny and he'd be right back...Criss asked you to stay there with her and Johnny and shoot the breeze until he got back.

Shaunyl told Lucas to take Johnny to the swings and play with him for a while...as you told Shaunyl the whole story while Criss was gone...meanwhile, back in the car Criss was holding Sonny and telling him that he wasn't leaving him ever, and that his daddy loved his little man...then explained to him that he had a brother...and that he loved both of them with his whole heart...then he told him if he would be a big boy and go see his brother with him...and then added that his brother was a sick little boy, and needed him to help take care of him...Sonny looked at his daddy and said ok...

As soon as Shaunyl saw your son Sonny...she couldn't believe that he was in fact, identical to Johnny...she thought it was so adorable...and asked to hold Sonny...then while she was holding Sonny...she called Lucas and told him to bring Johnny over so he could meet his brother...Shaunyl sat Sonny down, and Lucas sat Johnny down...Sonny went right up to Johnny and said hi...then asked him if he liked bunny's...when Johnny said yeah...Sonny handed him his stuffed bunny then unexpectedly gave Johnny a very sweet and loving hug...all of you were in such awe, as you all witnessed that...Criss looked at you then wrapped his arm around you and said that he didn't think there would be any problems at all in between them...then Sonny grabbed Johnny's hand and asked him to play on the slippy slide with him.

Shaunyl wanted to stay and watch the moment with the two boys...but Lucas told her she was going to miss her flight...but before they left...they got both boys together with both mommies and Criss in the middle holding his boys...with both boys holding the stuffed bunny and Lucas took the family picture with his professional camera and said he'd have them made out and brought to them on their way back to pick up Johnny...that was if they would ever be able to tell them apart...but you and Shaunyl laughed at the men and told them that a mommy always knew their little boy.

During the two weeks, of having Johnny with Sonny...not a day went by when they did something so adorable...that you and Criss had to take pictures of it and send them to Shaunyl's phone...they even slept together in the same bed instead of separate ones...Criss said he was truly blessed with such a great family...and as soon as Johnny and Shaunyl headed back to Australia...Criss pulled you in his arms and asked you to marry him...you looked up at him and said absolutely yes...then he picked you up in one arm and plucked Sonny out of the sandbox with his other arm and held you both...and said he really loved his family...later that night...you told Criss that you really missed that little guy...and told him the silliest moment of the twins being together was when JD and Costa couldn't tell which one was which...they were switching them around the entire time they were visiting with you all...but oddly enough Grammie D, was the only one that knew one from the other without even thinking twice about it...but was truly shocked that they were identical twins...but had different mommy's...but then she'd just smile and say that her son just had very strong genetics.

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