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Criss Angel was recently accused of a crime he didn't commit, you were a beginner attorney, and was hired by the city to take his case, knowing that you weren't good enough to ever get him off, because the government seat was in on the crime, and this was the perfect way to cover it up permanently by placing the blame on the richest celebrity in Las Vegas. You were a bumbling nervous wreck because you knew you weren't qualified or ready for this serious of a trial.

Right, when you were placed in the cell with Criss, you looked at him and all your paperwork went to the floor...Criss immediately dropped down beside you and helped you pick them up, as he shook your hand and asked if you were his defense for the trial. You nervously told him yes, but that you have never worked on this serious of a trial before, and you weren't ready for it. Criss gave you a smile and said you and he was even then because he's never been on trial for his life before. You looked over all the evidence and listened to everything he had to say after you wrote it all down, you told him that you would try your damnedest to get him in the clear, but you couldn't make any promises because this was your first real time in a courtroom.

You looked over all the evidence and went to the witnesses and the other two possible suspects and asked all the right questions...but when you went to the prosecuting attorney's office to try to make a plea deal...you overheard his conversation with none other than the judge himself!...telling them that no matter what Criss had to take the fall for them or they were screwed. You quickly grabbed your recorder and taped the entire conversation, and instead of going into the room with them you went back to Criss's prison cell and told him what you found out and said you would rather call them on the phone to try to make a plea deal. You gave them a call and they did exactly what you figured they'd do which was a flat no. 

You asked Criss how you should use the information from your tape recorder because you had no ideas on who to trust. Criss gave you a hug and asked you to take it to his brothers, that they knew some government people that they knew they could trust, and were a lot higher on government pole than any of these petty judges around here. You gave him a securing hug and told him that you were on it. During the time you were gone the judge stooped as low as hiring an inmate to kill him, but the attempt failed. You told JD and Costa of the twisted plot that went up clear to the judge himself, and you were afraid of who to trust, Costa gave you a hug and told you not to worry because he knew exactly who his brother wanted him to call...his old buddy and government agent Mickey Kostmayer.

You made it back to the prison and told Criss it was done, and that Jd and Costa would be there for the trial in the morning. Criss gave you a kiss on the cheek and told you not to worry that his friend that his brothers were bringing would fix it all. Kostmayer made it to the prison before the trial and told Criss to tell him everything, then he looked at you and asked for all the information you collected along with the recorder...after you gave it to him, he left and said it would be all taken care of before the trial even started. Kostmayer headed out and went to work, he ran down all the prosecutors and got the information he wanted out of them...then his next target was the judge, but he was going to do that during the trial so everyone could hear the truth.

That morning as you and Criss were walking into the courtroom, Mickey was sitting in the front chair and gave a devilish grin and a tiny wave to you both. Criss chuckled and said Mickey got the answers he wanted. Mickey let the judge spew his sermons while you defended Criss with gusto during the main part of the trial, but once it got too hairy and you knew they had you cornered with no compelling evidence to show them...they were telling you it was time to say game, set, and match. You looked to Mickey, he shook his head, and jumped up and moved to the judge's table and showed him his badge which was higher than any Marshal or cop in the state or governments put together.

But when Mickey turned on the tape recorder along with all of the evidence he got from all of the judge's partners that he convinced to tell him all he needed to know. After he was done helping you expose everything he called his people to come in and take the twisted bastards to prison where they could meet their new friends Tyrone and Bubba, which were very big guys that would love to take care of twisted government types like them. Due to the new evidence, the new judge that took the crooked judges place slammed his gavel down and said that Criss Angel was free to go.

Criss jumped out of his seat and hugged you as he spun you in a circle, and thanked you with a huge kiss right on the lips...then he gave his old buddy a hug and told him that he owed him big time for this one. Mickey chuckled and said to buy him a nice steak dinner and a case of beer and he'd call it even. You signed in your papers and told the circuit judge that you weren't made for being an attorney and you quit. Criss pulled you to him and said that he couldn't agree more because he had the perfect job for you...you looked up at him and said what...he said with a grin that he could really use a girl in the personal relations category. Then he wrapped his arm around you and took you and Kostmayer to that very fancy steak dinner.

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