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You were a huge Loyal of Criss Angel...but along with many celebrities...there was rumors of them selling their souls to the devil for eternal glory...and fame and fortune for their entire lives...from a group of people in a secret society...called the Illuminati...you never thought much about it...because you thought it was just a story...from old cartoons...then one trip to Hollywood...there were several celebrities that actually spoke out and said they were members of this secret society...and thanks to them...they would always be stars...never have to worry about anything financially again...and even after they die...their memory will never die...they would be immortalized.

Among the celebrities, was Beyonce, Prince, Elvis Presley, Micheal Jackson, many of the country singers...you just couldn't believe it...what people would do just for fame, fortune, and glory...but what those celebrities didn't know was that they were signing their very life and humanity to a group of people...and if those people thought for one minute that they outlived their usefulness...or decided they weren't worth keeping alive anymore...they had the power and the legal rights to kill them...because they belonged to them. Later down the line you heard some of your friends talking about Criss Angel and that he became such a success...because he sold his soul...to the devil...you defended him...but the more you heard it...you actually became fearful of this insinuation...and needed to find out for yourself.

You went to Vegas, and bought a ticket for his show...after it was over with...you went back...Criss thought you came back there for pictures and autographs with him...but you were so wrought with fear...that you asked him if you could ask him a personal question. Criss sat you down on the sofa and sat beside you realizing that you were a very loving fan of his...and listened to what you had to ask...after you finished talking...he looked at you...and told you in complete honesty that he was not part of the occult...but then he shut the doors and sat closer to you and said that they came to him many times wanting him to join...but he's refused them every time so far...and he was getting a little worried...because after so many refusals...those cult people had their ways of making the people they were after disappear permanently...with no questions asked.

You jumped into his arms and told him how glad you were in knowing that you were smarter than that...and knowing how much he was into his mind body and spirit connection...that he would never be able to sell his soul to anyone just for money, and fame...Criss kissed you and said why would he need to sell himself short for...he already had his fame, and his fortune...and he did it the old-fashioned way...by working his ass off...and going thru blood, sweat, and tears...and he still owned his soul...even though you were happy about his answer...you were still crying massively...because of what he said about them going to try and kill him...Criss wrapped his arms around you and said as long as one person loved him...undeniably...they couldn't touch him...and you did just that for him...so thanks to you he was immune to them...then Criss added that was if you were willing to stay with him...to make sure they never bothered him...for they couldn't touch an innocent...they only had power of celebrity types...that everyday people weren't even supposed to know they even existed.

You told him that you knew about them...and would stay with him forever just to make sure they never touched him...Criss thanked you...and gave you a reassuring smile...and asked you beens you already were going to be his official bodyguard...why not go out with him too...so he could hit all the birds with the same stone...you kissed him on the cheek and told him you'd not only be honored to go out with him...but it would be your dream come true...and sure enough after staying with Criss for a few months you actually seen the society people come for him a few times...but because you were always there with him...they left...and could do nothing to him...even the most powerful of controllers had strict rules they had no choice but to live by...and that was one rule you were very happy for...knowing it kept your Angel safe from them.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now