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You are a true Loyal Angel to the one and only Criss Angel...but as of late you and so many other loyals like you begin to think that he only notices the Loyals that spend money on his cause...and are crazy enough to get their bodies covered in tattoo's with his logos or his face on them...you thought about tattooing yourself so many times...but you never had the money to get one...for you and your entire family was very poor...and you barely had the finances to keep yourself afloat...

But one day...you decided to gamble a little bit at the slot machines in your local casino...you weren't even in Vegas...and after you pulled the lever...you heard the alarms go off and you looked up at the big jackpot to see how much you won...you fall back on your ass when you realize that you won 50,000 dollars!!...after the securities congratulated you and took you in to get you your money...you immediately thought tattoo parlor...but then you stopped and thought of something more...you headed to the airport and got a plane ticket to Las Vegas...

After the long trip, you finally landed at the Vegas Airstrip...and grabbed your single carrying bag that you packed...and rushed to the first cab you spotted, and said The Luxor...he said you bet...after about twenty minutes...he pulled up in the parking lot and wished you luck...you gave him 50.00 for his tip and thanked him...then you rushed into the casino and passed all the sign-in booths and headed straight to the Mindfreak Store...and asked if it was possible for you to meet Criss Angel...for you had something for him...of utmost importance...the lady behind the register said that you just missed him...that he only checks in for about five minutes...then he's gone again checking out his other stores...you asked her if it was at all possible to get a hold of him any other way...she looks at you and says...honey fangirls come in here all the time begging her to get him to come into the store...but like she tells all others...he's too busy for her to bother just for girls to gawk at him...and tell him how much they adore and love him.

You stormed out of the door, at her complete rudeness...and said to yourself that you would find him yourself...and headed to his Believe store, and his bar Liquidity...and last but not least down in his theater...it was amazing that you knew where everything was located...even though you never been there...and you walk in and see Criss Angel rehearsing for his performance, later on, tonight...and by the way he was hollering at everybody...he wasn't having a good day...so you tell yourself that now wasn't the best time...and you slowly turn to leave...but Doug notices you and informs Criss that you were standing in one of the aisles...he turned to the audience chairs and calls you over to the stage...telling you that you weren't supposed to be down here...until showtime...you very embarrassedly apologized to him and turned around to leave...but he jumped off the stage and asked you beens you were already there...what you wanted...you said to tell him what you thought about him...and to give him something...but it wasn't worth getting in trouble over...he turned his temper around and was all smiles and said what trouble...and said he was taking a break anyway...then he plopped down in one of the chairs and motioned you to join him.

He looked right at you and asked what it was that you wanted to tell him...you came right out and asked him what was up with praising all the so called loyals that had money and could afford to have tattoos all over their bodies of him and afford to buy his merchandise...and not the Loyals that don't have the money to afford such loyal ink or purchase his awesome memorbillia...and that you have been posting Loyal sketches of him since you were 12 years old...and not once has he ever commented on them...but all of the ones that post their tattoos of him, that he and other loyals think its the most amazing thing in the world...then a string of jealousy runs through you...and you tell him right to his face that it sucks...for you have been a loyal fan to him for 17 years...and not one thing of gratitude ever came your way.

Then you stopped and changed the subject...and said you made the trip down here to see him personally to tell him that you recently came into a lot of money...and the first thing you wanted to do was to go to the tattoo parlor and spend money on 12 tattoos and dedicate them to him...but then you thought with your head instead...and told yourself that the money could be used for a much better cause than to get noticed by your hero through twitter, instagram, and facebook...and rub it into all the lower class Loyals that never get noticed...then you brought out a leather pouch with 45,000 dollars in it and mindlessly handed it to him...and said you wanted to dedicate this money to his H.E.L.P Foundation...and that it was from you and all the lower class Loyals that never get noticed.

You stood up, now in tears and said you were a true loyal and that you loved him since you were 9 years old...and this was the first time you could make your way into the Loyal group...for the life before that money...you were too poor to make it...then you told him it was nice meeting him...then you walked out of the theater, crying...Criss opened the pouch and saw all the cash...and ran after you...he gently grabbed you and asked you where you made this kind of money...you gave him a half-ass laugh and told him not to worry that you didn't steal it...you won it at your local casino back home...then added that you kept 5,000 of it...and the rest went to him and his cause.

You tried to leave again...but he stopped you again...and asked you to go out with him...you ask him why...he gives you a little smirk and simply says he wants to give his True Loyal a lot of love back...for such an awesome gift...later that night you and Criss were laying together in bed and he was taking selfies of you and him in bed together with him being mushy, goofy, and romantic with you...and posting the pictures on Twitter and Instagram...and said how's that for a True Loyal Love with your Mindfreak...then he tossed the phone away...and asked you to turn off the bedside light...as soon as the lights went out...Criss was putting all kinds of moves on you...which ended up the hottest and only making out session in your life!!...and you also got him to say he loved you afterward...and that he wanted you to stick around for a while...you giggle at him and ask how long...he says until he loves you for 45,000 dollars worth...and that it was up to you on how long you wanted it to last...you grabbed him and said how about you and he starts with forever...and then work from there...he smiles at you and says...he was so ready for it.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora