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I woke up to the sun shining in my face, and my body aching all over, my head pounded my ribs and stomach hurt, but my face had healed well enough and wasn't swollen anymore although bruises spread across it.

"Hey you're finally awake" Carl came over from the window seal and sat on the bed next to me. I tried to sit up but groaned in pain."Hey don't try to do anything okay just lay there" Carl said as he slowly helped me so I was sitting upright.

"How long as it been" I softly said.

"about a week" He sighed.

"I guess I was tired" I laughed.

"Ya" He softly chuckled.

"Carl...." A few tears spilled out of my eyes and ran down my cheeks.

"Ya" He looked over and saw the tears that made their way down off my cheeks and onto my lap."Hey, you're okay they can't hurt you anymore"  He came closer and we lied on the bed as I placed my head onto his chest carefully still wincing in pain. He ran his fingers through my hair we laid in the position for hours until I fell asleep and woke up next to a sleeping Carl still in that position.

A knock on the door broke the silence in the room.

"Hey" Rick entered the room.

"Hey Rick" I smiled.

"I was coming here to grab Car but I'll leave you two alone" He said."How are you feeling your dad is worried about you" He asked.

"Better still hurting but better" I tried to cover my pain with a smile although I knew he knew I was still in pain.

"Mm Hm" He said giving me a look then leaving.


A week later I was back on my feet but no one was allowing me to go out on runs until I was completely better so I helped Maggie around the house and do different things around Alexandria.

"Hey" Carl wrapped his hands around my waist as I was doing the dishes for Maggie as she rested since she was on a run for the past two days wth little sleep so I told her I would do them for her.

"Hey" I smiled at Carl's cuteness.

"You feeling better" He asked placing his head on my shoulder.

"Yes, I have been feeling better for a week now" I chuckled.

"I'm sorry I just want to make sure you're all better" He said.

"Well thank you for caring so much" I laughed as I took a few bubbles from the sink and placed them on Carl's nose. He smirked and chuckled as he grabbed a handful and threw it at me. Soon it became an all out war of bubbles and we were covered in soapy water along with the floor causing Carl and me to stumble and slip to the ground. We both chuckled as he tried to catch me from tumbling but I just ended up falling on top of him.

"Shh...we're going to wake Maggie up" I said through all of our laughs.



I woke up but decided to stay in bed for a couple extra minutes before heading downstairs and meeting Y/N who had been a great help around the house but I could tell she was getting bored and she wanted to go back out and on a run.

I heard the kitchen door open and whispers exchanged from Y/N and Carl from downstairs I quietly made my way downstairs and sat there as I watched them be kids and throw bubbled at each other. They giggled and slipped.

"Shh...We're going to wake Maggie up" She whispered through all the laughing.

"It's okay I'm already up" I chuckled while making my way down the stairs.

"Sorry did we wake you" Carl asked.

"No I have been up for a while now" I reassured them. "Be careful thou Y/N you don't want to hurt yourself again and then end up having to help me out around the house for another week" I raised my eyesbrows.

"Oh I don't mind helping I was just finsing up the dishes" She said.

"I can tell you are getting bored go ahead and go with Carl" i chuckled."I will finish the dishes"

"Thank you Maggie" She smiled and they both raced out of the house holding hands and still gliggling at the soup that they were all drenched in I chuckled at their cuteness and continued to finish the dishes.


Y/N P.O.V:

We spent all day together n the old tree house that we always found ourselves in when we wanted to be alone either together or seperatly. We had lost track of time giggling and talking as we rushred back to camp.

"Hey wait" Carl said before we climbed over the gates.

"I love you" He whispered and brought me into a kissed.

"I love you too" I smiled and pulled him closer to me and kissed him again.

"Come on lets go back before our dad start freaking out that we are missing" He said helping me over the wall then I pulled him over and we rushed back inside before we got into shit.

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