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"So you're just going to walk away like you always do" He screamed at me.

"I don't want this to end up like another one of those blown up fights that we always get into" I yelled back gathering my gun and knife and placing them in my holster and walking out of the door.

"You can't just always walk away when things get hard" He yelled back.

"I don't always walk away when things get hard, I walk away so that you don't tell and blame me for things that you don't mean" I said and he looked pissed off and shocked all at the same time. I didn't care that Michonne and Rick were watching the argument I just wanted to get out of that house. I grabbed the door handle and was about to step out when Carla change in voice scared the hell out of me.

"If you walk out that door I don't EVER... and I mean ever want you to come back" he yelled in a serious and freighting voice. I stood still for a moment tears rushing down my face, no one has ever seen me cry except for now. I turned around and faced Carl my hand still on the door handle, I looked him straight in the eyes as tears rolled down mine and his.

"This is what I meant, you say things you don't mean" I said quietly trying to hold back sobs as I turned around and slammed the door shut and walked out.
I stood there in the middle of the kitchen, tears were streaming down my face, she had left she really left.
"Carl..." before Michonne could finish I sprinted upstairs and shut my door slamming it closed and locking it. I had really messed up this time.
Y/N P.O.V:
I ran over to the only place and people I knew I could trust. I knocked on the door softly and broke down on the porch before the door could even open.
"Y/N Hun what's wrong" Maggie's soothing voice filled the silence as she knelt down next to me.
"Carl...Carl and I...Broke up..." I wasn't able to even finish a sentence before I sobbed and cried some more. She helped me up and lead me to the kitchen table.

"Why did you guys break up" she asked holding my hands in hers.
"We got into another fight and I was going to leave so that it didn't blow up into something bigger like it always does...but then he told me if I walked out of that door he never wanted to see me again" I said trying to push back the tears.

"Oh Hun, I'm sure everything will be okay it's just a fight you to always get past things like these, you two were meant for each other, since day one I knew you two would be the cutest couple, after me and Glenn of course" she chuckled causing me to chuckle to.

"Thanks Maggie" I said pulling her into a hug.

"Why don't you stay here tonight you can sleep in the spare bedroom that we have upstairs" she said giving me a soft smile and I nodded.
I laid in bed that night wishing he was next to me, wishing he was here holding me in his arms. I wanted to take everything back the fights, the bickering everything.

"Y/N" I heard a voice echo outside of the window I jumped up and out of bed and grabbed my gun pointing it to the window.

"Whoa hey... it's just me" Carl's voice echoed.

"What the hell are you doing here" I said opening the window fully to let him in.

"I'm sorry for everything I didn't mean what I said" he said softly choking back tears.

"Carl I...."
"No please just listen" he said cutting me off. "I love you with all my heart and I don't know what I would do without you, I was scared of losing you I am always scared of losing you so I have been feeling off and angry lately but I promise you I will never hurt you again" he said stepping closer into me. He grabbed my waist and pulled me in. I leaned into him and laid my head against his chest. I was angry but I missed him and I still loved him.
"Please don't ever leave me" he whispered in my ear softly.

"I won't" I whispered back forgiving him. I lead him over to the bed and snuggled in closer to him. I listened to his breathing and his heart beat as he fell asleep.

I heard the door cracked open and I saw Maggie peeking in.

"See I told you, you guys always work things out" she smiled softly and I mouthed a thank you to her. She closed the door quietly. I snuggled up to Carl some more and left a kiss on his forehead. As I drifted off into sleep myself I thought of all the great moments we had together over the years.

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