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"Y/N you're not pregnant" she said.

"Ya" I sighed.

"You should still tell Carl about it" Maggie said.

"Ya I know, it's weird that he hasn't come to see me yet" I said wondering where he was. "He's okay though right" I said looking worriedly.

"Ya he's fine probably just helping Rick or something" she said. I nodded in agreement.

"I'm going to go find him" I said.

"Okay if you need anything else just tell me okay". She smiled.

"Of course! Thank you so much Maggie" I smiled and hugged her.

"Anytime Hun" she smiled back.

I found Carl walking down the street I ran up to him worriedly.

"Hey babe I have to tel..."

"I have to help my dad" he said and kept walking.

"Oh okay" I said but still continuing to walk along beside him.

"What do you want" he sighed and stoped walking.

"You know what never mind look are you busy in about an hour" I asked. He sighed in a frustrated and annoyed sigh.

"Yes" he huffed.

"Okay can you please meet me at the tree at our usual hangout spot I really need to talk to you" I said touching his arm but he shifted slightly to move it out of my reach.

"Ya I guess" he said and then continued walking.

" What has gotten him in such a bad mood, he's been distant and he didn't even come to see me when the run was done" I thought to myself.
I waited by the tree an hour later anxious to tell Carl about the pregnancy test, I wasn't pregnant but I still wanted to tell him that I thought I was and that we should be more careful next times.

I waited for an hour and a half later and still no one showed up! I sat by the tree and lied ok the grass while watching the clouds hoping he would show up but there was still no one. I heard a faint whisper of talking in the distance. I looked up and my heart sank and broke into millions of pieces. Carl and Enid were walking together oddly close.

"This is what he ditched me for, to hang out with another girl" I said to myself. I got up angrily and walked away.

"Y/N" I heard Carl call after me but I didn't look back or respond I just kept walking quickly to my house that I shared with Glenn and Maggie.

"Y/N wait up" he called.

I went up the steps of my house wanting to get in there and lock the door as fast as I could. I swung open the door and just as Carl was right behind me about to enter the house and call my name again without even looking back I slammed the door shut in his face and kept walking, past Glenn, past Maggie and up to my room where I locked that door too. About an hour later realization and fear ran over me, I hadn't don't the test at my place here, I had done it at the Grimes household in the bathroom in Carl and I's room because that's where I was and where Maggie found me. I hoped Carl didn't' see the test in the garbage. So I grabbed my coat and rushed over to his house.



The door slammed in my face and I felt angry.

I walked to my house and I felt rage

I found the test in the trash and I felt instant regret, guilt, and sadness.

I stared at the test in the trash and kept playing the scene over and over again in my mind. I blew her off and was a complete dick and then stood her up when this is probably what she wanted to talk to me about. But this whole time I was ignoring her because I thought that she wanted to break up with me, but she wanted to tell me this that she was pregnant. I heard the door slam shut and footsteps running upstairs quickly. 

"Carl," she said quietly.

"Y/N I'm so sorry I had no clue that you were pregnant," I said.

"Carl no i..."

"I know I acted like a dick but that's only because I thought you wanted to talk because you wanted to break up," I said.

"No, of course, I didn't want to break up," She said and took my hands.

"I'm sorry I acted like a dick," I said. She smiled and placed a kiss on my lips.

"I'm not pregnant" she whispered as she pulled away.

"You're not," I said.

"No" She shook her head and smiled softly.

"Maybe one day" I chuckled.

"Ya maybe" She whispered as she lied her head on my chest and closed her eyes just taking in the moent, since we didn't usually get a quiet moment like this.

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