June 17th 2016: The day my heart broke

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The Night We Meet

May 24th, 2014: The day my heart broke

It felt like I was in a stupid nightmare. I knocked on his door and his father answered.

"Hi Mr. Kellter. Is Jake home?"

"Hello Sydney. Yes he is in his room working on a project with Megan. You know the way."

So I let myself in with an interested, puzzled look on my face, and I braced myself. Megan was "the most popular girl in school" and just so happened to be the best played on the girls tennis team.

Anyway, back to the day of hell. I braced myself and opened the door to Jake's room to see that nothing was going on. Thank god.

"Hi..." I said nervously "I didn't know Megan was here"

"And I didn't know this jealous little jerk would actually cone and check up on us. Wow looks like she doesn't trust you, huh Jake?"

"What are you talking about Megan?"

"Oh keep up, you obviously don't trust your boyfriend... " She snorted

"Girls... Calm down!" Jake said quietly

Megan McCarthy kept on taking and eventually said "I gotta to go. I'll text you later Jake." Megan left with her binder still on Jakes bed.

Jake turned to me and said "Hey, what are you -- "

"What was that about?" I interrupted.

"She said something about you that got me thinking..." Jake said quietly.

"What kind of things?" I questioned...

"It's not important... But they did get me thinking that may-be..." Jake stuttered...

"Maybe what?" I said, starting to cry.

"That maybe we should take a break... From each other..." Jake said, hesitant.

I question him on why he wanted this but he made up some bull crap excuse.

"Okay, now tell me there all reason you want this.." I interrogated.

"Well, I believe what Megan said, before she left, was true and that you really don't trust, and to me a relationship is built around how much trust on person has for another. And with out that... I don't think there should be an us."

He apologized and I ran out the door without looking back... To my dismay... It was over.


If jake didn't believe that I really did trust him, then I am not going to fight him about it...

It was over...

I was home alone for the night, because my mom went out with he two best friends so I called Rachel and Danielle and told them what happened and they were over with in 10 minutes... With Jake and Megan both in my classes tomorrow, I knew it wasn't going to be easy...

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