Incorrect Utaite [27]

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sen_senra: I'm going to need everyone to be straight with each other from now on

sakatandao: I'm always straight

uratasama: Oh man, that's the biggest lie you've ever told


nqrse: I don't see the big deal why can't people just ask people out without all the fuss

Nico_nico_Sou: Well, you get nervous and you get butterflies in your stomach ya know



ANKUosu: If I throw an apple at your head what will happen?

kradness55: The apple will break

ANKUosu: No, your head will crack

96_neko: Guys, guys, nothing will happen, because first of all

96_neko: un:c, you can't throw for shit


luzabs: This morning I saw you on the street and you were smiling, what happened?

soraruru: Can't I just be happy and smile?

uni_mafumafu: Neru-san smacked his toe and fell at the cafe after we ate

soraruru: It was awesome

neru_sleep: It was embarrassing and horible!!


kashitaro_ito: Lifehack: avoid red lights by driving at 114,001,827 mph. This velocity will blue-shift them enough to appear green

_amatsuki_: 0/10 do not recommend attempting

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