Incorrect Utaite [60]

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soraruru: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get

nqrse: You're going to get chocolate

soraruru: No, Nqrse, that's not...

nqrse: You're gonna get chOCOLATES


syounen_t_sako: I think you owe me an apology

kogeinu: I'll apologize to you in hell!

kogeinu: I actually don't know what this is about. Sorry I took such a hard stance


kradness55: I could kill you if I wanted to, Luz

luzabs: Yeah? So could literally any other human

luzabs: So could a dog

luzabs: So could a dedicated duck

luzabs: You aren't special, Kradness


uratasama: So, when do you plan on moving out?

uni_mafumafu: When do you plan on coming out?

uratasama: Okay I'm gone

uni_mafumafu: You see what I did there?

uratasama: Yeah

uni_mafumafu: It's cause you're gay

uratasama: I GOT IT


sen_senra: Kashitarou, how do I ask someone out?

kashitaro_ito: Well, first...

_amatsuki_: No, don't ask him. He asked me out in a McDonald's bathroom

sen_senra: ...

sen_senra: And you said yes?


uratasama: What should I be for Halloween this year?

sakatandao: My boyfriend...

uratasama: What.

sakatandao: What?

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