Incorrect Utaite [93]

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luzabs: You're stupid

kashitaro_ito: That's it?

luzabs: Give it time. It'll eat at you


uratasama: There are approximately 1,013,913 words in the English language but I could never string any of them together to explain how much I want to hit you with a chair


shima_s2: Last night I found out Senra is a sleep talker

sakatandao: Oh really?

shima_s2: "The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell."

shima_s2: Right. In. My. FucKING. EAR. AT. 2AM


sakatandao: Not everyone is going to think ghosts are real, and that's okay

sakatandao: They're wrong, though


luzabs: Mafu, I love you

uni_mafumafu: Thanks, I love me too!

uni_mafumafu: Also, I love Soraru-san


Pusu_kun: Naruse-san, I don't think you need any more coffee

nqrse: Coffee cures depression

Pusu_kun: It doesn't work that way

nqrse: More espresso, less depresso


soraruru: I'm doing nothing, just converting oxygen to carbon dioxide

kashitaro_ito: HOW DO YOU DO THAT?!

soraruru: It's called breathing dude


sakatandao: I'm at a park right now and it's actually a bit cold

uratasama: Don't worry, I'm on my way. Do you want latte or mocha?

sakatandao: Latte, please!

sen_senra: Oh man, Sakatan's right, it's colder than I expected. Maashi help me

shima_s2: Want me to set you on fire?


neru_sleep: I'm like, so old I shouldn't be laughing at spelling attic out loud


soraruru: Neru-san finally realizing his childishness, what kind of third dimension is this


kashitaro_ito: ...

kashitaro_ito: Am I stupid?

_amatsuki_: Yeah. A little bit

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