Incorrect Utaite [43]

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oO0Eve0Oo: My favourite part about being an instrumentalist is that you become your instrument in a referral sense. No one in band calls someone a "trumpet player",  just "a trumpet". The trumpet. They and their trumpet are now one. There is no going back

uni_mafumafu: When I was in band back in school someone asked me "are you a boy or a girl" and I didn't hear him clearly so I said "I'm a keyboard"


kain2525: Z is just a sideways N

soraruru: It's midnight, please stop

kain2525: Zo


neru_sleep: New favourite joke: A Roman walks into a bar, holds up two fingers, and says "Five beers, please."

sakatandao: I don't get it

uratasama: No one explain it


luzabs: So like do caterpillars know that they're gonna be butterflies or do they just build the cocoon and be like "wtf am I doing"


nqrse: When you clean out the vaccum cleaner you become the vaccum cleaner


uni_mafumafu: Surgery is just stabbing someone to life

soraruru: Please never become a surgeon

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