One fifty one

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"Welcome to our room tour! So this is the kids room. Mom and dad have a room next door" Katie says. "We have the magnets with our names on them. Brennan, Teagan, Weston, Ryan, and Katie. Teagan and Katie's have bows on them instead of anchors like ours does" Brennan explains. He has Weston in his arms and I'm standing next to him. "So we walk in" Ryan says and we go inside. "First theirs a toilet and a sink" Katie says. "And right next door theirs a shower and a sink which is super helpful because Katie can be doing her makeup in the other one while Brennan or Ryan is in here showering" I explain. "We have our nice clothes hanging here, my family's clothes take up all of these drawers" Brennan says. "Then you keep going back and you have mine and Teagans bed. Usually when we are at a hotel we get a crib for Weston but he's just been sleeping with us because we don't really have room for a crib" Brennan says. "Then I have the bottom bunk" Katie says. "And I have the top bunk, which is the best bed of course. I can see the tv perfectly" Ryan says. "Then our here we have our deck that the nice lady took a piece out of so we share a deck with mom and dad" I explain going out on the deck. "This decks really nice to sit on and Weston loves it. Look at him, he's in heaven" Brennan says and Mrs.Jill films Weston with the wind blowing in his face, he's nearly asleep. "I think it's almost nap time" I laugh. "Well that's our room so thanks so much for watching" Katie says.

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