Chapter 1- The First Meet

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"Another morning, another dime in the hat," you say with sarcasm in your voice. After yesterday's disaster and collecting about $40 less than what you normally make you don't have high hopes for today's collect either. The standing mirror is tilted too far back so you fix it to the right angle, "(Y/N), no matter what happens today you will rock out even if you have this street performance as a side job. One day you will meet someone who can give you an amazing life and an amazing record deal," said a confident young woman in the mirror.

The beautiful Los Angeles sun is shining brighter than a diamond, the wind is giving a nice gentle breeze, and the downtown streets are filled with busy people. As you look up and down the busy streets you can't help but think, Wow, today may be a good day. Today may be your day (y/n). Picking your usual spot five blocks down from the Coffee Shop you open up your black leather guitar case, place your Bluetooth speaker on top, and set your tip jar hat out to collect the donations.

Two hours into playing the cover songs you hear screaming in the distance like fangirls screaming to their favorite idols. In the middle of one your songs the screaming is getting closer and closer, the crowd you gathered start turning their heads to see what the commotion is all about. As you strum the last cord on your guitar you pick up your phone and select a crowd-pleasing song to dance to. Four blocks down the commotion are getting louder and louder to where you can start making out the names, "Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook, BTS!" After the fangirls scream their lungs out you start your dance; surprisingly you choose 'DNA' by BTS. When the song gets to Rap Monster's rap you glance over for a split second to see some familiar faces in the crowd. You think to yourself, Oh my Bangtan, BTS is seriously watching me dance to DNA. This is so awesome! You look over to your left slightly and see that the members are talking to each other in Korean, hopefully talking about you and your dance skills.

The BTS boys watched you perform for half an hour in amazement of not only your dance skills but your voice. You hear Jimin say something about your voice and how lovely it sounds, you can't help but blush. After your sixth song, you stand back up about to do another dance, as you get yourself prepared the hat jar is overflowing with money, this had to be the most successful day you have ever had in your entire life. "Alright ladies and gentlemen," shouting to the crowd, "This is going to be the last song of the morning but I just want to thank you for your love and support." Before you start your last dance a local Los Angeles boy asks you, "Excuse me miss, can I choose the song?" Knotting your head your hand over your phone for the last song selection of the morning. Facing away from the boy a faint whisper is heard by your highly-alerted ear, "Oh, pick this one. It was hard for us to learn, I want to see if she can do it," a tall, platinum-haired man said as he quickly dashed over to his boys. Sharpening your eyes to the sweet angled faced man you can't help be wonder what he told the boy to select. When the boy finally selected his request you look at your phone and see that it's another BTS song, oh well at least you can end the morning with a catchy song. Sliding to the left side of the crowd you catch the eyes of the gorgeous man and start the last song by simply saying in Korean, "Welcome, first time to BTS," also giving him a subtle wink.

Coming to a close on your morning you pack everything up and head five blocks south to your actual job, the coffee shop, the one place you hate.

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