Chapter 83- A Bumpy Road (Time skip)

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Lately, you've been planning the wedding and Namjoon's been very vocal about planning it making sure that not only that he's happy, but that his princess is happy as well. He's been finding time when he's free to help out with any problems or frustrations that you've been in from location of the wedding to flowers.

So far you've put off planning for a few days just to clear your head before it starts pounding like drums inside your skull, plus the boys were busy with their new album for Korea so you didn't bother them too much.

The following week of putting planning off, you went back to work, what haven't I planned yet? Oh, reception and music, but where would the reception be? Let me look some places up. Grabbing your computer from the bed you open it and starting typing, Beautiful places in Seoul for a wedding reception. Scrolling endlessly, you gave up searching and instead went to Namjoon to ask if he had any recommendation.

Entering the hallway, blaring music is pouring out of Namjoon's studio and it's hurting your ears terribly, I think I'm deaf now, thanks, babe. Knocking normally on his studio door isn't working since music is still blaring so you went to plan two, banging on the door like the police. Still didn't work. You took matters into your own hands, walking into his studio and shutting the door loudly, he still didn't hear you. Approaching his work desk you leaned up against it waiting for him to notice, but his face is super glued to the screen with headphones on. Rolling your eyes you waved your hand in front of his face, he smacked it away, "Not right now Jimin, can't you see I'm busy with the album." Tilting your head to the side in disgust you ripped his headphones off his ears, "I'm not Jimin, dummy. I need your help," he unglued his face from the screen and finally faced you, "Oh, sorry sweetheart. What's up?" Explaining your situation he turns back to his computer but only catching little words here and there, "Ask Jungkook to help you," he said waving you off. Stepping back with eyes widen you spoke, "Excuse me? Did you hear what I said, I'm asking you if you have any recommendations on a wedding reception location. Jungkook wouldn't know a thing." Namjoon still ignored you but finally said, "I'm really busy right now, I can't talk to you right now. Just ask the others. Get out," with those final words he blared the music again silencing any outside noise, you just stood there in complete despair then followed his orders and left his studio. Did he really just tell me to get out with a "please" for an "I love you"?

Heading downstairs you see all the other members laying around watching TV. You sit down on the edge of Hoseok's chair, "Hey guys I need your help with something." Jin paused their show and turned to you, "Sure, what's up," you take out your phone waiting for the members' input, "I need help on a reception location, do you guys know any?" Yoongi leans his head back looking at you, "Why don't you ask Namjoon," you scoff, "I tired he kicked me out," Jin looks at you in shock, "What, he did?" Shaking your head you replied, "Yeah, he said 'Get out' without a please or a I love you," Jimin just looked at you in disbelief, "He's really focused isn't he," you point at Jimin, "He thought I was you when leaned up against his desk."

Still sitting with the members discussing location Namjoon finally walked in and heading to the kitchen for a snack, you smirk, "Is the producer hungry." He walked into the living room and stood behind you, "What's going on," you look the members with confusion on your face, "Who are you and what did you do the Namjoon that was in his studio hours ago?" Namjoon tilted his head sideways, "What do you mean," you turned your head to him, "I asked you for input on OUR wedding and you told me to 'Get out' without a please or I love you." Namjoon hugs you from behind and rests his head on your shoulder, "I'm sorry baby. I was stressing out over the new album I wasn't focusing on what you were saying," you rip his arms off on you and walked to the other side on the room, "I could tell but it's good to stop for a few moments and helped someone that has a problem. But it looks like I wasn't important enough for you to help out." Namjoon sat down where you were sitting and crossed his arms, "I can help you now, what do you need help with," you look away and smirk, "I don't need your help anymore, they helped me. Plus you told me to ask them since you were too busy being glued to the computer screen." Namjoon could sense frustration pouring out from your body and could hear it from your words, he stood up and cautiously approached you, "I can tell your frustrated with me, but don't be." Whipping around facing him you start speaking with sarcasm in your voice, "Really? I can't tell," still slowly approaching Namjoon tries to calm you down, "Okay, you are mad at me and I'm sorry. I'll stop working for as long as you need me too, let's talk about it then." Every time Namjoon takes a step forward you take a step back, "Namjoon, I think it would be a smart idea if you would just stop where you are. You know how I act when I get frustrated." He stops in his tracks and looks at you with concern in his eyes and voice, "Please (y/n), just calm down. Let me help, I know it's OUR wedding and I haven't been very vocal lately about the planning and I'm sorry for that, so please let's go sit somewhere and talk about it."

The room goes silent while you contemplate on not only calming down but Namjoon's offer to help again, but the frustration is taking over your body like a Marquette puppet. You close your eyes tightly and try to shake it off but the grip tightens every time, Namjoon takes another step slowly towards you with his hand stretched out for you to take, "(Y/N). Calm down, let me help again." You shake your head violently, "Don't! Please stop," Namjoon finally reaches you and lightly wraps his arms around you, he whispers, "It's okay. I think you should sleep for a bit." Still shaking your head violently, your hands start making fists and involuntary punching him in the stomach, "Let me go! Let me go!" He lets you go and patiently waits for more punching to connect with his stomach, you start to viciously rub your arm still in frustration, "It's not okay, I can't focus anymore. I need to get out of here." Heading towards the door Namjoon chases after you and grabs your wrist, flashbacks flood into your head back to the night he was drunk and punch you in the rib. Without controlling your sanity, you start to squirm and scream, "Let me go! Let me go! Don't punch me," you finally rip your hand free from his grip and sprint out the front door towards the unfamiliar town of Seoul. Namjoon sprinted after you but you were too fast for him, he shouted out, "(Y/N)! Come back!"

After he gave up on chasing and calling you back, he went returned to the house in complete shock running his hands through his hair, "I can't believe this. What did I just do, I should have listened to her, but why did she mean by 'Don't punch me'?" Jungkook let out a deep sigh breaking the silence, "I think the memory of you being drunk came back to her." Jin got up from the couch and grabbed his keys, "I'm gonna find her, she's never been alone in the city before without us with her," the members agree and watch Jin walk out the door, before he closed the door he pointed to Namjoon, "Stay here."

Long Distance Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें