Chapter 75- My Nightmare's Reality

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Sitting in the restaurant you look around and notice the decor then catching a glimpse at the bar, you stare at the bar for a good five minutes until Hoseok snaps you out of it and points at the waiter, "(Y/N), what do you want to drink," you look at him in confusion, "Huh? Oh, water please," the waiter writes it down and walks away from the table. Hoseok looks back at you focus back on the bar, "Are you okay? What's up," you snap out of it again, "Nothing's wrong. I'm just thinking about something," he cocks his head sideways, "What're you thinking about," you wave it off, "Nothing important, don't worry."

The waiter returns with our drinks, water for me, and beers for the members. After the waiter walks away you look at the boys' beer and close your eyes thinking back at what your dad did, Jimin shakes your arm, "(Y/N)? Are you okay," you look across the table at him, "Uh, yeah. I'm okay," he nods in a concerning manner and returns to the conversation with the boys. While sitting at the table the boys are enjoying their second refill of beer and you still sip on your first water, you interrupt their conversation, "Hey guys, I'll be back. I'm gonna step outside real fast, Anna's calling me," they nod as you remove yourself from the table, the only thing is that Anna wasn't calling you, you just needed an excuse to walk away from all the beer.

Pacing back and forth outside you didn't notice that someone can out and watched you, "I should've objected to the bar," the voice said, you stop and turn to the voice, "I forgot about your story. I'm sorry," Namjoon said looking down. You sit down across from him, "It's okay. I should've said 'pick a place but not a bar'. It's my fault," Namjoon sees the members talking and laughing as you look away, "You know they asked me why you came out here," you look at him, "What did you say." Namjoon looks back at you, "They knew you lied about Anna calling, but I told them you were stressed out about work," you smirk, "Thanks." Namjoon stands up and holds out his hand, "Come on, let's go eat," you take his hand and walk back into the bar.

After everyone finished eating we all sit and continue talking as all the boys refill for the fourth time on their beers, you tap Namjoon's arm and whisper in his ear, "You need to stop." Namjoon waves you off and keeps enjoying his drink, you stand up and walk away from the table again, Namjoon sees you leaving and questions it, "Where are you going," you turn around and look at him, "I'm going home. Goodnight," he gets up and chases after you, "Wait, (y/n)." He grabs your forearm and jerks you back, "You're not leaving me," you grab his hand, "Namjoon you're drunk, let me go."

He starts to pull you back to the bar tightening his grip even harder, you whence in pain, "Ow, Namjoon let go of me. You're hurting me," he continues to pull you back to the bar, you struggle to release yourself from his grip, "Let go of me! Namjoon, let me go," he stops in his tracks and turns around placing both hands on your shoulders, you can taste the alcohol from his breath, "You're not leaving me," you stare into his bloodshot eyes, you speak calmly, "Namjoon, you're drunk. All of you boys need to go back to the hotel now," he starts to get aggravated, his drunk personality is starting to show, "No! You're not leaving me," you start to get worried, "I'm not leaving you. You need to go back to the hotel and sleep," he releases his hands from your shoulders and runs his fingers through his hair. You step back as he keeps running his fingers through his hair, you start to panic, "Namjoon? Are you okay," he stops and looks at you, unknowingly you take a step forward towards him, "You're scaring me, stop. You seriously need to go back to the hotel, come on," you reach for his hand, he swats it away with a powerful force, you grab your hand in pain, "Ow! Namjoon that hurt," he squeezes your shoulder to stop you from running. Again you whence in pain, "Namjoon that hurts, stop," he starts to get worked up, "Shut up! You're not leaving me!" He clenches his fist tight and unwillingly punches you in the same spot where your father did years ago, you fall to the ground and scream in agony. The members hear the scream and rush outside and see you on the ground, Yoongi pulls Namjoon back away from you. Jungkook and Jimin kneel down to you, Jungkook looks over you, "(Y/N), are you okay? What happened," you continue to whence in pain but still able to speak, "He's drunk," Jimin questions, "Who's drunk?" You roll over to your side, "Namjoon's drunk. He punched me," they try to help you up but you collapse to the ground again, you scream out, "Ow! My ribs, I think he broke them," Jimin panics, "We need to call an ambulance right now," he takes out his phone and dials 911 while Jungkook stays will you and the others keeping Namjoon away from you.

A few minutes later the ambulance arrives with police in tow. A medical personnel rushes over to you and puts on gloves, "Ma'am what happened," you squeeze your ribs, "My boyfriend's drunk and he punched me in the ribs," the personnel motions for the others to bring a gurney towards you, "Ma'am we're going to lift you up," you nod. Three more medical personnel and one police officer lift you up onto the gurney, you scream out in agony. They guide the gurney to the ambulance and place you inside the bus, Jungkook and Jimin look at you from the outside and yell out, "It's going to be okay," you close your eyes and say, "My nightmare became a reality. Again."

Jungkook and Jimin meet the others and tell them what's going to happen, "They're taking her to the hospital. She thinks Namjoon might have broken her ribs," Namjoon snaps out of his drunk state and looks around, "What's going on? Where's (y/n)," Jungkook steps in front of him, "Namjoon, what I'm about to tell you might break your heart," he looks at Jungkook with confusion, "What? What happened," Jungkook takes a deep breath, "While you were drunk you punched (y/n) in the ribs and may have broken some." Namjoon leans back in his chair and runs his fingers through his hair in shock, "Oh my gosh. I recreated her nightmare," the members look at him in confusion, Jin speaks out, "What do you mean by 'I recreated her nightmare.' What does that mean," Namjoon slumps down, "I should have said no to the bar. I've messed up big time."

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