Chapter 69- What's Going On?

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When the song ended the boys head backstage real fast to switch into more comfortable clothes then appear back on the stage and instead of doing another song they talk to the Army. Jimin shouts, "Army! Make some noise," the Army responded with screaming and chanting. All the boys take time to thank the Army for coming and supporting the boys through all the ups and downs they've faced throughout the years. J-Hope finished his sweet speech and turned towards RM, "Now to our leader, he has something really special to say. So while RM is speaking, the rest of us will be standing back here," the others follow, Jungkook turns back to RM and says, "Center stage. Don't mess this up."

Looking over the crowd, RM starts off by thanking the Army again for the support and everything they've done, then he goes silent thinking about the next words that are about to come out of his mouth. Finally finding his words he speaks again, "Today is not only another BTS concert, but today is really special. It's (Y/N) and I's six month anniversary. She's actually here today, she's over there," the spotlight finds you, and you wave at the Army. He faces towards you, "If you could, can you come on stage," Anna walks in front of you leading the way towards the stairs leading up to the stage and behind you are security guards protecting you. Making your way up the stairs RM meets you halfway and takes your hand guiding you to the center of the stage.

You look at the crowd, to Anna, and the boys upstage wondering what's going on. RM gets your attention, "(Y/N), I know I say this so many times but it's always true. You've changed me the biggest way ever imagined, one example is not accidentally hurting myself doing things," you laugh, "Being with you the greatest gift that I've ever received and I'm not kidding. You make me seriously forget being RM and you bring out the real me that only my family and the boys see, I really thank you for that. On stage I only have three thoughts in mind, don't forget the choreography, make the Army happy, and making sure you're the happiest one ever with or without me around you," hearing his words makes you teary-eyed, then before RM could finish he slowly gets down on one knee, "It's not what you're thinking, but (Y/N) (Y/L/N) I truly mean it when I say I will give you the best future you could ever imagine. I promise you that OUR future together will be infinite," he takes out the black velvet box and opens it relieving the promise ring while looking into your starry eyes the Army screams at you to accept the ring, you look over the crowd and laugh at their excitement. RM is still holding the box and speaks, "(Y/N), will you be with me forever," you look into his shining brown eyes and nod, "I promise." He jumps up and hugs you with the sweetest and meaningful hug ever, he breaks the hug and places the ring on your left pointer finger, then he gives you the sweetest kiss ever imagined.

After accepting the ring the other members run over shouting, cheering, and getting emotional. Suga grabs his microphone and wraps his arm around your neck and looks at RM, "It's about time hyung," you laugh. Suga continues, "From the day he met you, he said, 'There's something about her that intrigues me. If she becomes mine, I'm gonna promise her a great future.' His words not mine," RM laughs and counters back, "That's a lie. I didn't say that I said 'If we date for six months I will promise her a great future.' I said the last part, you added the beginning," Suga counters back, "You were thinking that on top of things we can't say, Jungkook is too young to hear it," you laugh so hard tears start to come and Jungkook looks at Suga confused. Jungkook holds his microphone up, "What? Why did you say my name," you continue laughing at his confusion, you take Suga's microphone and explain to Jungkook, "Suga is right, you are too young to understand but I'm confused as well but I think I can guess what he was thinking," RM starts to blush as you raise an eyebrow to him, a surprised look comes to your face as you piece the puzzle pieces together, "Wait... you little... KIM NAMJOON," you punch him playfully a few times as the other members laugh. Jimin finishes laughing and points out to Namjoon, "Just remember hyung, you promised to her so have fun," RM smacks the back of Jimin's head, "Pabo."

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