Chapter 67- Show Time

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The day progresses as everyone is getting ready for the night, Anna and you are getting ready for a girls day as the boys are getting ready for the concert. Namjoon and Anna will text back and forth occasionally while Anna is treating you to an all-day girls day.

Driving all around Los Angeles you keep asking Anna why she's doing this, "Anna, why are you treating me to a girls day," Anna plays it off, "Even though Namjoon isn't here for your anniversary that doesn't mean we can't have a girls day celebrating the special day," you laugh, "Taking me to a salon, shopping stores, and a spa center doesn't really read 'girls day' more like you're hiding something." Throughout the car ride Anna and you keep making stops at different clothing stores trying to find the best outfit for you, Anna starts being you fashion designer, "That top doesn't go with those shoes," you tried on about 100 different clothes until Anna found the best combination, "AH! That outfit is magnificent!" You look into the mirror and admire Anna's fashion skills, "Wow, this is really amazing," Anna hugs you from behind, "Thank you. Namjoon was my main inspiration."

After your outfit has been chosen Anna takes you to your favorite ice cream place, Magpies Softserve. You find a nice spot by the window as Anna goes to the counter to order ice cream for the both of you. A couple of minutes later Anna returns with Malted Milk Chocolate ice cream for her and your favorite, Dulce de Leche with salted caramel sauce. You taste the ice cream and mentally die in your head, "Thank you, Anna, for bringing me here," Anna tastes her ice cream, she replies, "No problem (y/n). To your six month anniversary with Namjoon," she lifts up her cone and you do the same, "To me."

Sitting at the table enjoying your ice cream Anna casually looks at her phone and plays off a surprised look, "No way," you raise an eyebrow, "What," Anna shows you her phone screen, "Did you know the boys were in town," your jaw drops, "What? No, I didn't' know that." Anna "scrolls" through the notification, "They're having a concert tonight," you almost choke on your last bite on the waffle cone, "Say what," Anna flashes the phone again, "Look at it," you slam your hand on the table, "They're having a concert and didn't tell us about it." While you're steaming with anger Anna slips out a piece of paper upside down, you look at the paper, "What's that paper for," Anna pulls her hand away and glares at it and you back and forth, you take the paper and examine it, "You got to be kidding me. You bought online tickets for us," Anna smiles, "Look at them a little closer," you stare at the tickets looking for a hidden clue, slamming down the paper you shout, "Front row seats!"

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