Chapter 21- Last Night Out (Time skip)

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Today is your last day in Seoul, tomorrow morning you pack up and head to the airport to leave the boys. Tonight is series two of the two-night concert event with BTS, unfortunately, you missed out on series one of the concert because you were mad at the boys, even Yoongi begged you to come.

The new morning rose and you decided to get an early start by making an apology breakfast for the guys. Looking around the kitchen you contemplate on what to make, "Ah, I got it. Eggs, fruit, toast, galbi, and rice. Gotta have rice with every meal," you say gathering all the food. The smell of the food lingered throughout the house waking up the boys, "Who's cooking downstairs," Hoseok asks, looking around at each other Jimin connects the dots, "Wait, if Jin isn't cooking and we're all here then it has to be (y/n)." They stroll downstairs in their pajamas rubbing their heads and eyes, "What's going on," Jungkook walks into the kitchen looking around, you stop what you're doing and turn Jungkook around, "Nope! None of you seven are allowed to come in. Sit down at the table and wait, it's almost ready," they try to look into the kitchen and you poke their heads away from the door. They all sit waiting patiently for the smell to hit the table, "Alright guys, dig in," you set the food down and watch the guys dig in, "Oh my... this is incredible. When did you get up," Jin looks over and amazement, you smile at him, "I got up at 6 and decided why not," the keep eating as you dig in as well, but they're still confused at your kind gesture, "Wait, I'm still confused. Why did you do this for us," you set down your utensils and take a deep breath in, "Well, this is an apology breakfast. I got upset about how I treated you all yesterday and I thought to myself, 'Why not make them breakfast'." They looked at you all moved by your generosity, Namjoon speaks for all the guys, "No, we're sorry. We should have known, just having you here is the best gift. We all love you," the guys all yell out, "We love you (y/n). This breakfast is amazing," you laugh at Jungkook adding the breakfast complement.

After breakfast the boys decided to take over for you and wash all the dishes, "Oh thank you guys," you say placing more dishes by Jimin and Yoongi, they smile while scrubbing dishes, "It's our pleasure." While they do that the others are scattered all over the house, some are in their studios, others on the couch napping, and you walk back to your room to nap as well. Entering your room you find a bag sitting on your bed with a note attached to the string, you pick up the note and read it, "One last special gift for you because you deserve a special night. How does 3 pm sound? Love, Namjoon." Setting down the note you blush at the sight of something special in the bag, you take out the gift and scream in excitement. "You did not! Oh my gosh, Namjoon," you remove a stunning black, knee-length dress that includes a pair of sparkling silver heels. You lay the outfit down and rush over to Namjoon's room, "Knock, knock. Can I come in," you poke your head in, "Yeah, you're good. What's up," he sits up and looks at your bright smile, "I saw your gift on my bed," Namjoon smiles, "Oh really? And..." you jump on his bed like it's a trampoline, "I love it! Thank you," leaning over you hug him tightly, "I remember you wanted it but you didn't have enough money for it. So I may or may not have gone back to the store and bought it for you," you disconnect from him as your jaw drops, "You did not," Namjoon blushes, "Yes I did. I have a special evening planned for the two of us before the concert," you hug him again, "Namjoon, what would I do without you," you got up from his bed to leave, "You would be working at coffee shop living an average life," you laugh, "True. Oh before I forget, 3pm sounds fantastic," he added in one more surprise, "(Y/N), our stylist from the concert may or may not be coming to fancy both of us up," you turn to him and blush wildly, "No way," he smiles back, "Way."

Downstairs you and the others talk about stuff as the front doorbell rings, Taehyung gets up to answer, "Uh, Namjoon. Why are our stylists here," Namjoon gets up to greet them, "They're here for (y/n) and I. One last special night," Taehyung nods and walks away, Namjoon returns to the living room, "(Y/N), there here for us," you glance back and see the stylists, "Sweet."

Namjoon and you lead the stylists upstairs to each of your rooms, "See you when you're done," Namjoon said, "See you in a bit," you reply entering your room with your couple of stylist. They set out the makeup and hair products on tables, "Is this the outfit you're wearing," the hair stylist asked, you look over at the dress and heels, "Yes ma'am. Namjoon bought it for me, I wanted to buy it myself but I didn't have enough money for it," she nods her head, "By look at the outfit I have the perfect hairstyle in mind," the makeup artist looks at it as well, "I agree, I have the perfect makeup palette to go with the dress and shoes." They take your hands and lead you to a chair, "Sit down and let us work our magic," you trust them as they have years of experience making people look fantastic, just look at the members when they perform.

About an hour pass and Namjoon's stylists are done, "Knock, knock. Can we come in," his hairstylist walks in, "Oh my gosh. Look at you, you're so beautiful," you blush as you get your hair done, "Now I see why Namjoon is nervous," you look over in her direction confused, "Nervous? That's new," they all laugh at your confusion, your makeup artist lets you in on the secret, "Last night he couldn't stop talking about you," you look surprised, "Seriously," they all nod, "He was like, 'I wish (y/n) was here. She would try to take pictures of me getting my hair and makeup is done or she'll be dancing around with the guys and I would judge her. If I judge her on her dancing I get punched, I like it when she does that.' Nonstop talking about you." After your transformation is over they help you get into your dress, "We don't wanna mess up our

hard work," you agree, they turn away from you so they can see the final product. "Alright, my heels are on. You ladies can turn around," they turn slowly to face you, their jaws drop to the floor, "Oh my goodness! You know good style when you see it. That dress is stunning on you, and those shoes tie it all together," you blush and sweep your hair back, "Let me see if he's ready. He's nervous for sure," his stylists leave the room to go get him, "He's gonna fall down when he sees how 'drop dead gorgeous' you look," you smile at the thought of Namjoon falling down seeing you, "You think he'll like it," your makeup artist takes your hands, "Sweetheart, he's going to love you no matter what, boyfriend or not."

A few minutes later his stylists come back, "Alright, he's ready. We sent him downstairs to wait for you," his hairstylist said, you look in the mirror one last time, "This is insane. Before I go, I gotta take a picture," you grab your phone and take a picture of you all dressed up in the mirror, "Let's go, sweetheart, your man's waiting," you grab a purse that your makeup artist brought as a present for you and slipped your phone into it.

Namjoon paces back and forth at the bottom of the stairs, "Joon calm down, you look great," Jungkook says from the living room, Namjoon looks at him, "I'm trying, she's taking a while. What if the dress doesn't fit or if she doesn't love it, ever think about that," Jimin gets up and places his hands on Namjoon's shoulders, "Look, if she took a picture of it and said that she wants it then it means that she does love the dress. Plus you know girls, they need their makeup and hair to look runway ready," the others laugh. You reach the top of the stairs and get their attention, "Excuse me? That's coming from a guy that takes an hour and a half to get his hair runway ready," they both look up in awe, Jimin backs up and motions for the others, "Woah... you hit a home run Namjoon," the guys gather by the stairs and do the same thing as Jimin and Namjoon, speechless. Namjoon snaps out of his hallucination and meets you halfway on the stairs, "Wow (y/n), you look, um... ugh, I can't speak," you giggle at his being flustered, "I guess you can 'drop dead gorgeous'," he laughs, "Yeah, drop dead gorgeous fits." Before leaving the house the stylists stop both of you, "Wait! We want a picture of you two. You two look so cute together," both of you blush and pose for them, Hoseok points at Namjoon "Wait till they get to the arena, Namjoon's gonna walk in and be yelling, 'I got a girlfriend now' and taunt all of us because of it," Namjoon slaps the back of Hoseok's head, "Shut up! You don't know that" you start to laugh at his anger, he's right they do tease him a lot about me.

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