Chapter 34- Beach Trip

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Driving to a nearby swim shop Namjoon feels guilty, "You don't have to buy swim trunks for me," you look at him in the rearview mirror, "Yes we do. Don't fight us," you smile as Anna parks the car, "Let's go, superstar." Entering the shop Namjoon still feels guilty, you nudge him in the arm, "Stop feeling guilty. Pick some out and try them on," he looks around and picks out some swim trunks, after showing multiple trunks he finally settles on a pair of red and white striped trunks, you give him a thumbs up, "Perfect."

Walking on the beach sand you take in the sea breeze, "What a perfect day," both Anna and Namjoon nod. Anna finds a cabana and places her bag down, "Alright, let the fun begin," you and Anna take off your cover-up and head for the water, you turn around and see Namjoon laying on the beach chair, "Come on! Don't sit in the shade," he shakes his head no and you pout, "Go, have fun with Anna." After a while of splashing around with Anna in the water you run back up to the cabana, "You can't just sit here," you reach out your hand, "Don't be afraid of the water," Namjoon shakes his head, "Kim Namjoon, you can't just come to Los Angeles for a week just for me and not touch the water," he folds his arms so you can't grab them, you pout at him, "Please. Don't make the princess cry," he ponders on your offer, "Oh, alright. Just this once, for you," you smile and take his hand leading him to the ocean.

After about two hours all three of you head back to the apartment, "That was fun," Anna says, both you and Namjoon nod, but a new question comes to mind, "Wait, where's Namjoon going to stay," Anna looks at you, "Uh... he can stay at my place," you look back, "Are you sure," Namjoon questions, you nod, "The couch pulls out to a bed." Namjoon and you head to the apartment, shutting the door Namjoon collapses on the couch, "I need a nap," you laugh as you set your bag in your room, "You always need a nap," you open a closet door and get old bedding out for the couch bed, "I'll just lay this here and I'll fix the bed for you later," he watches you walk to the kitchen, "What," you see him staring, "Nothing. I'm just wondering how did I get so lucky to meet a wonderful girl like you," you blush, "BTS came to Los Angeles, that's how."

Later that night you and Namjoon watch a bunch of movies on the couch laying side by side, he yawns loudly, you giggle, "Sound like you need to go to sleep," he shakes his head, "No, that was the movie," you laugh again, "Yeah right. You need sleep," you turn off the TV. Namjoon slumps across the couch when you get up, "Move, I need to set up your bed," he rolls off the couch, while you make his bed he hands you each bedding item, "Finished," you walk over to Namjoon and help him up, "Goodnight Namjoon," he settles himself in between the sheets, "Goodnight babe," you stop before reaching your door, you blush, "If you need anything, just knock."

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